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billets Meaning in marathi ( billets शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बिलेट्स, तिकीट, ताब्यात घेतलेले निवासस्थान, नियत विश्रांतीची जागा, लहान पत्र, चिथा,


तिकीट, ताब्यात घेतलेले निवासस्थान, नियत विश्रांतीची जागा, लहान पत्र, चिथा,

billets मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यात बंडाला चिथावणी देणाऱ्यांमध्ये हेवूडसुद्धा होता.

तो ठार झाल्याच्या बातम्या यायच्या, पण लगेचच व्हिडिओ मेसेज पाठवून लादेन अमेरिकेला चिथावणी द्यायचा.

तिने प्रामुख्याने तमिळ आणि तेलुगू चित्रपट उद्योगात काम केले, ज्यात कंचना ३, थिप्पारा मीसम आणि चिकाटी गाडिलो चिथाकोतुडू सारख्या चित्रपटांचा समावेश आहे.

त्यांच्या चिथावणीमुळे भारतीय लष्कराचे कर्मचारी गंगटोकमध्ये गेले.

१८४२च्या सप्टेंबरमध्ये कॉस्टा रिकाच्या सान होजे शहरात पोर्तुगीजांच्या चिथावणीने सुमारे १,००० सैनिकांनी मोराझानच्या ४० सैनिकांवर हल्ला केला.

७) कटात सहभागी होण्यासाठी सुशिक्षित तरुणांना चिथावणी देणे आणि,.

अशा दंगलींना ते पडद्याआड राहून चिथावणी देतात असे आरोप झाल्याचे निदर्शनास येते.

ह्यामुळे खवळून उठलेल्या ऑस्ट्रियाने जर्मन साम्राज्याच्या चिथावणीखाली येऊन सर्बियाविरुद्ध युद्ध पुकारले ज्याचे रुपांतर झपाट्याने पहिल्या महायुद्धात झाले.

पुरुषोत्तम खेडेकर यांनी त्यांच्या ‘शिवरायांच्या बदनामीची केंद्रे' या छापील पुस्तिकेत ब्राह्मणांच्या सर्रास कत्तली केल्या पाहिजेत आणि त्या कामी मराठा तरुणांनी पुढाकार घेतला पाहिजे, अशी चिथावणी अगदी उघडपणे दिली आहे.

फ्रान्झ फर्डिनांडच्या मृत्यूनंतर जर्मन साम्राज्याच्या चिथावणीवरून ऑस्ट्रिया-हंगेरीने सर्बियासोबत युद्धाची घोषणा केली.

अर्ध्या शतकापेक्षा जास्त काळानंतरही चालू राहिलेल्या कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्तेबाबतच्या चर्चेला त्याची ट्युरिंग चाचणी महत्त्वपूर्ण, वैशिष्ट्यपूर्णपणे चिथावणी देणारी आणि चिरस्थायी योगदान होती.

चर्चेदरम्यान सोनिया राजबरोबर लैंगिकरित्या चिथावणीखोर भाष्य करते, पर्ंतु राज त्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करतो.

या जाहीरनाम्याचे उल्लंघन करून कोणत्याही प्रकारचा भेदभाव झाल्याच्या बाबतीत व असा भेदभाव करण्यास चिथावणी देण्यात आल्याच्या बाबतीत सर्वांना समान संरक्षण मिळण्याचा हक्क आहे.

billets's Usage Examples:

Some IRR personnel who are not currently assigned to SELRES billets, typically senior commissioned officers in the ranks of commander or captain for whom SELRES billets are limited, will serve in Volunteer Training Units (VTU) or will be support assigned to established active duty or reserve commands while in a VTU status.

deficit of 2 million livres by issuing more billets de confiance than they held in assignats.

consisting of different pure ingots in the shapes of T-bar, casting alloys, billets with different size, slab, and electrical conductors.

When war broke out, the landlord (the Lunacy Commissioners) repossessed the house for Army billets.

joining the chair-legs- to prevent them splaying the spokeshave-like drawknife: for crudely rounding billets of green wood to be intermediately finished.

He was soon planning his escape from the Southern General Hospital back to the front, attending a nurses-only dance in their billets (disguised as a nurse) before finally making his escape.

attached to the saddle on both sides by two or three leather straps called billets.

The saddle is kept on with a girth attached to billets under the flaps, similar to those on a dressage saddle.

Furnaces, Transformers, metal refining converters, high grade pig iron, sponge iron, billets, structural, TMT bars, DI pipes, Alloy steel and battery driven.

leadership; qualified sergeants first class are promoted, depending on available billets and opportunities.

By 1945, German women held 85% of the billets as clerics, accountants, interpreters, laboratory workers and administrative workers, together with half of the clerical and junior administrative posts in high-level field headquarters.

There are four types: ingots, blooms, billets, and slabs.


apprenticeship, premiership, episcopate, regency, generalcy, chieftaincy, cardinalship, proconsulship, controllership, chancellorship, editorship, situation, plum, speakership, admiralty, residency, rectorship, caliphate, senatorship, managership, post, teachership, chairmanship, marshalship, proconsulate, chaplainship, custodianship, directorship, lieutenancy, primateship, mayoralty, counselorship, magistracy, professorship, ambassadorship, secretaryship, place, studentship, deanship, counsellorship, thaneship, viziership, khanate, generalship, internship, line, womanhood, spot, stewardship, preceptorship, librarianship, job, praetorship, headship, commandery, councillorship, sainthood, legislatorship, protectorship, accountantship, chieftainship, business, wardenship, precentorship, pastorship, eldership, line of work, occupation, proctorship, judgeship, lectureship, moderatorship, chaplaincy, cadetship, rectorate, clerkship, baronetage, mastership, inspectorship, councilorship, seigneury, comptrollership, receivership, academicianship, presidentship, presidency, sinecure, rabbinate, wardership, position, berth, rulership, foremanship, hot seat, commandership, trusteeship, magistrature, curacy, legateship, viceroyship, seigniory, attorneyship, deanery, tribuneship, priorship, peasanthood, messiahship, throne, judicature, curatorship, consulship, office, bailiffship, captaincy, associateship, feudal lordship, governorship, prelature, overlordship, vice-presidency, incumbency, legation, emirate, fatherhood, treasurership, principalship, instructorship, prelacy, bishopry, pastorate, manhood, public office, chair, apostleship, discipleship, solicitorship, prefecture, captainship,


divest, dethrone, laity, nonhuman, human,

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