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bewilderment Meaning in marathi ( bewilderment शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



पालकत्व, टॅग करा, कोडे, शेल्फ, फसवणूक, अप्रस्तुतता, वेबाचेका, पेच, इंप्रेशन फ्लुइड, गोंधळ, भ्रम, ग्लोबल, टोलन, डिफ्यूज्ड पद्धतीने मिळवले जातात,

bewilderment मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सईचं भलं व्हावं हीच आदित्यची इच्छा, पण मनातला गोंधळ सोडेल का त्याचा पिच्छा? (२८ ऑगस्ट २०२०).

या पद्धतीने लेखक स्त्रीवादी 'पद्धतीशास्त्रातील गोंधळ (methodological confusion)' उलगडून दाखवण्यासाठी विविध समकालीन वादविवादांना एकत्र आणण्याचा प्रयत्न करतात.

बेलकडे, आक्षी ,नागाव ,धवर , वेशवी , वाङगाव गोंधळपाडा.

पर्सीचे वर्णन सुंदर, गोंधळ जेट काळा केस, एक "भूमध्य" रंग आणि त्याचे वडील पोसेडॉन सारख्या समुद्री-हिरव्या डोळ्यांसह केले गेले आहे.

त्यांच्या मागे मसणजोगी, त्यांच्यामागे वासुदेव, नंतर गोंधळी, नंतर मांगगारूडी, नंतर पोतराज व नंतर फकिरांचा जथ्था आपापल्या वाजंत्र्यांसह वाजत-गाजत-नाचत चालत असतो.

भारतात परतल्यानंतर गोंधळेकरांनी चित्रपटांत कलादिग्दर्शनाची कामे केली; तसेच व्यावसायिक चित्रपटनिर्मितीही सुरू केली.

१९८४- गोंधळात गोंधळ.

त्यामुळे कोणती योजना अधिक चांगली, याबाबत इतरांच्या मनात गोंधळाची स्थिती निर्माण झाली असून, अनेक पालक संभ्रमात आहेत.

महान बहुसंख्यतेसाठी, गोंधळाच्या मार्गातून बाहेर पडण्यामुळे धोका दूर होतो.

यामुळे मराठे अजून गोंधळात पडले.

इत्यादी शब्द नेहमीच ‘गोंधळ’ घालतात.

bewilderment's Usage Examples:

hatred Amoha - non-bewilderment Vīrya - diligence, effort Praśrabdhi - pliancy Apramāda - conscientiousness Upekṣa - equanimity Ahiṃsā - nonharmfulness.

To the bewilderment of many who knew her, she announced that she was going to write a cookbook.

the chamber and become sealed is believed to have drained away, to the bewilderment of most scientists, revealing the rift beneath the surface.

this is adequate material for an absolutely first class novel of moral bewilderments and responsibilities nearest the heart of our decade.

In Greek mythology, Atas (Ancient Greek: Ἄτας means "bewilderment, infatuation") was a Trojan prince as one of the sons of King Priam of Troy by an unknown.

expression, similar, to "What the deuce!" in English, which reflects astonishment, bewilderment or even anger.

Meanwhile, Edward's stepbrother Stuart Cuno decides to give up his studies and goes in search of the pure life of an aesthete, to his family's bewilderment.

When she kowtowed and looked at him in bewilderment, he said "Out, quickly! You cannot be.

That honour went instead to Carlton's Stephen Silvagni, to the bewilderment of many in the Australian football community.

that its final scene ""searingly recalls the mingled ecstasies and bewilderments of youth, the sudden chill of loneliness in a crowd that is the curse.

Adding to the bewilderment, the obverse, or "heads", sides of both coins were almost identical.

Starting as the young, coy and simpering wife, Kiranjit, who is abused to such an extent that she sets her husband Deepak, (Naveen Andrews), on fire after a particularly brutal beating one night, Rai convincingly goes through the various stages of shock, bewilderment, remorse and finally vindication.

exclusive to Watch, where celebrities and children celebrate the humour and bewilderment of Britain"s generation gap.


disarray, obfuscation, mental confusion, puzzlement, bafflement, muddiness, confusion, mystification, confusedness, bemusement, befuddlement,


dryness, clarity, order, natural object, inactivity,

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