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bet Meaning in marathi ( bet शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



पैज, पैज लावा,



bet मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अंकगणित जगावेगळी पैज.

स्पर्धा एक सांगीतीक प्रश्न-उत्तर आहे, आणि हरणाऱ्याने आयुष्यभर नऊवारी साडी (लुगडे) नेसावे अशी पैज आहे.

जगावेगळी पैज (चित्रपट) , ' धाव रेणुका धाव ' ,सांग सांग गंगाराम,सत्तेसाठी काहीही,वन रूम किचन,व्हॉट ॲन आयडीया माई ! , सूत्रधार (हिंदी) ,.

त्यांच्याकडून ढेरे यांनी १०० रुपयांची पैज जिंकली.

यशवंत भालकर यांच्या 'पैज लग्नाची' या चित्रपटाला १४ राज्य पुरस्कार मिळाले होते.

’अमृतातेही पैजा जिंके’ अशा मराठी भाषेला व संस्कृतीला परप्रदेशात जपण्याचा प्रयत्न होत असतो.

छत्रपती सिनेटोनचे 'स्वराज्य सीमेवर' (अभिनय आणि एका गाण्याचे संगीत दिग्दर्शन, बाकीच्या गाण्यांचे दादा चांदेकर) : या नाटकासाठी एका करुण प्रसंगी गावयाच्या गीताची चाल त्यांनी पैज लावून दिली होती.

| पैज (बाबासाहेब फत्तेलाल).

जुलमी अधिकारी दुष्काळावर मदत देण्याऍवजी आमच्या क्रिकेट खेळाची टिंगलटवाळी करता म्हणून दुप्पट कर (लगान) लावतो व जर समजा या खेळात गावकऱ्यांनी हरवून दाखवले तर तिन वर्षाचा लगान माफ करण्याची पैज् लावतो.

महाबळेश्वर ट्रिपमध्ये अजित जिंकणार का डिंपलसोबत लावलेली पैज? (२३ जानेवारी २०२१).

त्या दवंडीला प्रतिसाद म्हणून विष्णु शर्मा नावाचा एक ब्राह्मण राजाच्या दरबारी आला व त्याने तिन्ही राजकुमारांना त्याच्यासारखेच हुशार, व्यवहारकुशल करून दाखविण्याचा पैजेचा विडा उचलला.

bet's Usage Examples:

recognized as stores of value and are traded between nations in foreign exchange markets, which determine the relative values of the different currencies.

Variety stated that the Technicolor film, despite a neuter title, packs drama, excitement and an emotional quality certain National Parks particularly reflected in the climax — which should find better-than-average reception in the general market .

Not all "pups" or "dogs" are "alpha", some consider themselves "beta" or "omega".

Although reclamation of the area can be said to have started with the construction of Sir John Rogerson's Quay in 1713, it wasn't until William Vavasour took a 150-year lease at £80 per annum on an area of sixty acres of marshland between Beggars' Bush and Ringsend in 1792 that the area began to take on the appearance we recognise today.

important target species is the red spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas, langouste in French) which can only be legally fished between 1 March and 30 September.

Professional troupes go on tour between November to May, giving.

Gallen and Appenzell marked a break between the abbot and his estates.

Indian removals in Indiana followed a series of the land cession treaties made between 1795 and 1846 that led to the removal of most of the native tribes.

swallow-tailed nightjar, plush-capped finch, beautiful jay, and white-faced nunbird are also seen, as well as the plate-billed mountain-toucan and toucan barbet.

the practice of giving "divisions": a percentage over 90 is considered excellent; between 70-89 is considered to be "first division"; between 50-69 is.

B, and C, and is the curvilinear triangular region between the three semicircles that have AB, BC, and AC as their diameters.

From 1928 to 1939, the volume of passengers travelling between the US and Europe declined sharply.

A match with little to no transition between the spots is known as a spotfest.


call, wager, predict, forebode, anticipate, prognosticate, foretell, promise,


ahead, veer, forward, negate, anterior,

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