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bes Meaning in marathi ( bes शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)





चालू रहा, वाढणे, मुक्काम, मोठे व्हा, झाले, उपस्थित राहणे, अस्तित्वात असणे, संपर्कात रहाण्यासाठी, हे संपलं, किंमत आहे,

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bes मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

राम ऐतिहासिक व्यक्ती मानून तो नेमका कधी झाला यावरही संशोधन करण्याचे पुष्कळ प्रयत्‍न झाले आहेत.

१६व्या व १७व्या शतकांमध्ये अनेक युग्नो, ज्यू, फ्लेमिश व वेस्टफालिश लोक येथे दाखल झाले.

या संमेलनात चार परिसंवाद आणि छोट्या-मोठ्या वीस नाटकांचे प्रयोग झाले.

ते बामसेफ, दलित सोसायटी समाज संघर्ष समिती (डीएस 4) मध्ये सक्रियपणे सहभागी झाले आणि १९८४ मध्ये बहुजन समाज पक्षाचे (बसपा) संस्थापक सदस्य होते.

२२ एप्रिल २०१२ रोजी हिंगोली येथे संपन्न झालेल्या सहाव्या राज्यस्तरीय चक्रधरस्वामी साहित्य संमेलनाचे अध्यक्ष.

राम गणेश गडकरी जठराचा कर्करोगचा अर्थ जठराच्या कोणत्याही भागात तयार झालेला कर्करोग असा असतो.

पुण्यातील नूतन मराठी विद्यालयात त्यांचे शालेय शिक्षण झाले.

पहिल्या भागात पाश्चिमात्य दृष्टीखाली: स्त्रीवादी लिखाण आणि वसाहतवादी चर्चाविश्वे हा लेख १९८६ साली प्रसिद्ध होऊन त्याचे अनेक भाषांत भाषांतर झाले आहे.

आणि त्यांचे लग्न हे करंजित कौर सोबत झाले असून त्यांना दोन मुलं आहे.

भारत,पाकिस्तान म्हणजे तत्कालीन ब्रिटिश भारत, बांगलादेश अशा सर्व ठिकाणी या गीताचा प्रसार झाला परंतु भारतात हे गीत विशेष लोकप्रिय झाले.

भांड्यात गरम झालेल्या तेलाचा वापर करून खोल तळणे देखील केले जाऊ शकते.

संथेत म्हटलेले सर्व चरण मुखोद्गत झाले आहेत याची खात्री करण्याच्या दृष्टीने गुंडिकेची संथा चालू असताना, साधारणपणे दुसर्‍या किंवा तिसर्‍या संथेपासून, विद्यार्थ्याची इच्छा अगर तयारी नसली तरी विद्यार्थ्यांना पोथीत न पहाताच, मान वर करून संथा म्हणावी लागते.

असे केल्यामुळे व या दोन लसीकरण पद्धतींचा अवलंब केल्यामुळे आज जगातील सगळ्या देशांमध्ये पोलिओ रुग्णांची संख्या कमी झालेली आहे.

bes's Usage Examples:

The Assiniboine and Gros Ventre tribes at the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation will also receive a portion of this herd.

HistoryWhile besieged by the Persians in 479 BC, the town may have been saved by a tsunami rather than a particularly high tide.

But when I squatted beside him on the floor, where he was puffing meditatively on his long red-stone pipe, to tell him of leaving next week for a trip.

Indian removals in Indiana followed a series of the land cession treaties made between 1795 and 1846 that led to the removal of most of the native tribes.

Critic Brian Olewnick describes the album as A staggering achievement, one is tempted to call The Hands of Caravaggio the first great piano concerto of the 21st century.

She describes herself as having been like a sister to Elvis, a companion, confidante and keeper of secrets in the exciting days of his early career.

1901-1958) was best known for an expedition to describe the preparation of curare, and bring back samples, in the 1930s.

Talo, with the Commendatore in the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, one of the highest honors bestowed by the Government of Italy.

idiopathic intracranial hypertension (usually young, obese women who have increased intracranial pressure), or other causes of increased intracranial pressure.

This implies that the KLM is best suited for short tasks with few operators.

involving reporters who have unpleasant questions to ask and a skilled public relations person doing his best to frame a story in the most favorable way possible.

motifs present in Islamic art, such as the use of geometrical floral or vegetal forms in a repetitive design known as an arabesque.

He had used Roundup herbicide to clear weeds around power poles and in ditches adjacent to a public road running beside one of his fields, and noticed that some of the canola which had been sprayed had survived.


act, stagnate, account, buy, hang around, mope, need, confound, kill, put out, feel, loiter, relate, suck, hum, befuddle, hail, compare, yawn, hang, stay, adorn, specify, incline, be well, curve, come in for, incarnate, bedevil, translate, turn out, number, cover, work, iridesce, hurt, add up, swim, body forth, run, suit, hoodoo, cut across, consist, footle, seethe, cut, deck, suffer, sparkle, lallygag, cohere, owe, balance, represent, seem, distribute, trim, measure, substantiate, bake, moon about, take, point, disaccord, delimit, define, litter, shine, remain, fox, range, lollygag, squat, moon around, grace, twist, beautify, make sense, coruscate, tarry, stand, loaf, accept, terminate, scintillate, retard, gravitate, end, tend, wash, jumble, beat, come in handy, lend, stand by, yaw, abound, stick, fuddle, draw, continue, rut, figure, look, transplant, mess about, promise, rage, encounter, decorate, embellish, broil, buzz, drown, delineate, contain, gape, make, connect, discord, lurk, hold, mill around, compact, delimitate, stay on, boil, amount, press, matter, lubricate, depend, deserve, osculate, lie, object, rate, pack, lean, throw, confuse, be given, pay, head up, wind, sell, cost, lounge, require, recognize, enter, comprise, merit, subtend, swing, test, come, embody, go, fall, fit, rest, stink, impend, total, start, breathe, rank, prove, count, weigh, disagree, run into, underlie, let go, appear, stick by, clean, interrelate, begin, answer, account for, belong, linger, head, mingle, discombobulate, mill about, adhere, want, turn up, diverge,


change, be well, agree, suffer, converge,

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