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benignant Meaning in marathi ( benignant शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सहृदय, फायदेशीर, दयाळूपणे,

निसर्ग किंवा परिणामात आनंददायी आणि फायदेशीर,


उपयुक्त, आनंद, दयाळूपणे, धोकादायक नाही, चांगले, परोपकारी, इतकं काही वाईट नाही, निरोगी, कृपाळू, खेमसनकर, प्रभावी, अनुकूल, आनंदी, सौम्य, फायदेशीर,

benignant मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

इंदिरा गांधींच्या सरकारने आपल्या अधिकारांवर न्यायालयाच्या या निर्बंधाची दयाळूपणे दखल घेतली नाही.

देवी श्री विद्याला तिच्या दयाळूपणे आणि वैभवासाठी प्रार्थना केली जाते.

पूर्वीच्या अँग्लो-मराठा युद्धामध्ये ब्रिटिशांचा विजय झाला होता आणि मराठे त्यांच्या दयाळूपणे होते.

आपल्या जोडणा बंधू व मेहुणींच्या प्रभावापासून दूर राहून, तो कुटुंबाला एकजूट ठेवण्यासाठी तसेच गौरीला तिच्या योग्यतेने दयाळूपणे देण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो.

कार्तिक आणि दीपा वारंवार एकमेकांना भेटतात आणि कार्तिक दीपाच्या दयाळूपणे आणि उदारपणामुळे प्रभावित होतात.

benignant's Usage Examples:

In addition, beige can give others a gentle and benignant feeling.

field; encourage peace, to gentle works inclined, and give abundance, with benignant mind.

"men of modest life, lovers of justice, enemies to cruelty, humane, and benignant".

Given a face like hers, brave, benignant, patient, yet resolute, a will inflexible for duty, a heart sensitive.

temper most generous, a tongue that was persuasive and fluent, and manners benignant and polished.

His appearance was "benignant.

lagoons are formed near the waterfall and bathing in the same could be very benignant for the health.

become Christians, and are so, and their Highnesses have joyfully and benignantly received them, and also have commanded them to be treated as their subjects.

To deny freedom to pursue truth, beauty, and "benignant love" is to undermine every profound human venture, including science.

He is described as "cheerful," "benignant," and "bland.

Spain! Deep in her echoing chambers Flames of eternal yearning Cast their benignant shadows athwart this beloved land.

gleaned from the text is this: Virgil understands the meaning ("And that benignant Sage, who all things knew.


kind, benign, graciousness, harmless, benignity, benignancy, kindly,


malignancy, malignity, malign, harmful, unkind,

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