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be worth Meaning in marathi ( be worth शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पात्र व्हा, हक्कदार असणे, सामावणे, स्वतः चा मालकी हक्क असणे, ताब्यात घेणे, मुक्काम, योग्य असणे, व्यापणे,

be worth मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

व्यक्तीचे परम चेतनेमध्ये सामावणे म्हणजेच समाधी.

be worth's Usage Examples:

Silverman described it as a replacement for Solitaire that wouldn't hook players, but also stated that with its low price, it may be worth buying.

Next Generation rated it three stars out of five, saying it holds up better than the Namco Museum series, and at a mere "40, these three games should be worth giving the ol' CD a spin.

Forbes estimated the Steinbrenner family to be worth "3.

vaincant - vainquant - to conquer valoir - valent - valant - to be worth violer - violent - violant - to assault vaquer - vacant - vaquant - to take a break.

However, avoiding delaying production for a day is usually too small a gain to be worth the extra expense of having a Christmas tree with a second swab valve.

activist group Elliott Advisers and hedge fund Sachem Head to sell or demerge Costa Coffee, the theory being the individual businesses would be worth.

high memory bandwidth, so improvements made by custom hardware may not be worth the development cost.

In 2018, the company was reported to be worth "3 billion and have over "200 million in operating income.

Art collectionCohen's art collection is reported to be worth around "1 billion.

At August 2019 gold prices, it would be worth US"3.

that a predetermined knock-in barrier price is breached: If the barrier price is far from being breached, the knock-in option will be worth slightly more.

probably won"t be worth your time and money to buy – unless you"re a completist.

An example of this gentrification: in the 1990"nbsp;census, no homes in the Little Italy sample area were reported to be worth more than "400,000.


deserving, worthy,


unworthy, expensiveness, mark down,

be worth's Meaning in Other Sites