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barely Meaning in marathi ( barely शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

फक्त, जेमतेम, एकूण,


एकूण, फक्त, मस्त जोर, जेमतेम,

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barely मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सुमारे महिन्याभराने शिवसेना सत्तेत सहभागी झाल्यामुळे एकनाथ शिंदे जेमतेम महिनाभर या पदावर होते.

चिमुकली इसापनीती हे गडकऱ्यांचे सर्वांत छोटे म्हणजे जेमतेम दहा पानांचे पुस्तक बालकांसाठी आहे.

मध्य लंडनाचा लक्षणीय भाग असलेल्या या शहराचे क्षेत्रफळ जेमतेम १ वर्ग मैलाइतके आहे.

जेमतेम ८ महिने सत्तेवर राहिल्यानंतर ३ जून २०१० रोजी हातोयामांनी पंतप्रधानपदाचा राजीनामा दिला.

हे साप्ताहिक जेमतेम चार ते पाच महिने चालले आणि बंद पडले.

किशोर शाहू त्यांच्या प्रेमात पडले, त्यांचे लग्न झाले पण ते लग्न जेमतेम एक वर्ष टिकले.

१८६१ असे जेमतेम अडीच महिने या पदावर होता.

दारिद्र्यामुळे आजही अनेक जमाती जेमतेम लज्जारक्षण होईल इतक्या तुटपुंच्या वस्त्राचा वापर करताना दिसतात.

१८१८ रोजी जेमतेम तो चाकणला येऊन पोचला.

वयाच्या १२ वर्षांपर्यंत आयझॅक जेमतेम दोन वर्षे शाळेत होते.

तिने आर्या जेमतेम २ वर्षाची असतानाच तिचे गायनातले कौशल्य ओळखले.

दिवसाचा कालावधी अगदी लहान होतो आणि त्या वेळेतही सूर्यनारायण क्षितिजावरून जेमतेम हातभर वर येऊन पुन्हा खाली उतरतो.

त्यामुळे बाराखड्या आणि जेमतेम पंधरापर्यंतचे पाढे यावरच नारसिंहाच्या शिक्षणाची इतिश्री झाली.

barely's Usage Examples:

He barely survives, while Baldanders vanishes in the lake.

The raiding party sail around the coast in a decrepit and barely seaworthy barge; they set mines on the hull of the German ships in Goa.

Despite a few encounters with enemy airplanes the Polish fighters (which could barely match the speed of German bombers) were not able to shoot down any enemy planes.

His father, who was born in Australia, but of Irish descent, had moved to Western Australia in search of gold; but ended up working for the railways and on the wharves, barely earning enough to put food on the table for his eleven children.

if: After the change, the worker can now afford any bundle of goods and services that he could just barely afford before the change, and still have money.

On the 29th the Christian army reached the Deer Hill (Hayar al-Ayyal), from Tarifa and barely 250 metres from the beach.

He was barely across the line when he rinsed his face in Perrier, combed his hair, then started his stopwatch.

Pryor, film critic for The New York Times wrote, The House on Ninety-second Street barely skims the surface of our counterespionage operations, but it reveals sufficient of the FBI's modus operandi to be intriguing on that score alone.

Although he barely knew her, he travelled to Thailand to see what he could do.

Michael Eric Dyson of Rolling Stone stated In the hands of a lesser talent, some of these songs might barely seep through the cracks, less than memorable fare conjured up to please a legend.

Preuschoft traces the smile back over 30 million years of evolution to a "fear grin" stemming from monkeys and apes who often used barely clenched teeth to portray.

ended Danzig, for reasons of geography and history, was given a barely fathomable quasi-autonomous status by the victorious powers as a so-called Free City.

A figure, barely visible and wearing the S-shield on his chest, says, Mother.


scarcely, just, scarce, hardly,


inequity, unfairness, unfair, abundant, ample,

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