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appreciating Meaning in marathi ( appreciating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कौतुक करत आहे, अर्थ लक्षात घ्या, किंमत, प्रेमळ करणे, कौतुक करा, किंमत मोजण्यासाठी, विशेषता करणे, उमगणे, कौतुक करणे, फुगवणे, मूल्यांकन करा, किंमत पकडा,


अर्थ लक्षात घ्या, किंमत, प्रेमळ करणे, कौतुक करा, किंमत मोजण्यासाठी, विशेषता करणे, उमगणे, कौतुक करणे, फुगवणे, मूल्यांकन करा, किंमत पकडा,

appreciating मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

विद्यार्थी वाढदिवस: दैनंदिन जीवन संघर्षात आणि रोजीरोटीच्या प्रश्नात ग्रस्त असणाऱ्या आदिवासी कुटुंबात मुलांचे कोडकौतुक करायला आई-वडिलांना वेळ नसतो त्यामुळे वाढदिवस ही कल्पनाच आदिवासी मुलांना माहित नव्हती.

ते लहान असताना त्यांची आई त्याचे खूप कौतुक करायची.

appreciating's Usage Examples:

Although records show people appreciating the area as a recreation area as early as the 11th century, and the first.

Pearson lamented, the puerile nature of the plays he usually put on, and the adolescent behaviour of his female admirers, prevented many people from appreciating his superb gift as a declaimer of Shakespeare's rhetoric, and frequently exposed him to ridicule.

Upon reading the Gilmore Girls script for the first time, Bishop immediately found its dialogue deeply funny and interesting, in addition to appreciating the way in which the show depicts different mother-daughter relationships.

to develop "new metaphors for appreciating what he called his "endless blendings of virtue and corruption.

Decibel rated it positively, appreciating the "ear-candy at every turn" and the superb bass frets.

mostly positive critical reception, with many commenters appreciating its simplistic and calm nature.

was met with mostly positive critical reception, with many commenters appreciating its simplistic and calm nature.

clear desire for autonomy on the part of the constituent parishes while appreciating the controversial nature of the re-establishment of a diocesan model.

accurate statistics on autism are a sign that we are finally seeing and appreciating a kind of human difference that we once turned away from and that many.

Ellen and the police all consider Ebony as much their personal charge as he is The Spirit's, providing him with a loving family unit and appreciating his participation in crime-solving.

aristocratic activities such as composing poems, tending flowers, or simply appreciating nature.

Council expressed concern at the death of innocent civilians, while appreciating the efforts of the Arab League, Gulf Cooperation Council, the Organisation.

The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature.


acknowledge, recognize, recognise,


say farewell, welcome, mistrust, distrust,

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