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appointments Meaning in marathi ( appointments शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भेटी, फर्निचर, उपकरणे, व्यवसाय, साहित्य,


गुंतवणूक, स्वागत आहे, भरती, नियुक्ती, बैठक, पदार्पण, स्थिरीकरण, नोकऱ्या, अटी, निर्धार, प्रवेश,

appointments मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

शेती हा या गावातील प्रमुख व्यवसाय आहे .

वाघाचा लिलाव करून त्याची हाडे विक्रीचा व्यवसाय केला जातो.

दुग्धव्यवसाय, बकरीपालन, कुक्कुटपालन सुद्धा केले जाते.

यांसारख्या अनेक नवीन व्यवसायांची सुरूवात केली आहे.

नृत्य व गायन शिकविणे अथवा नवीन गेशा तयार करणे, हे व्यवसायही त्या करतात.

गेल्या दोन दशकांत येथे पर्यटन व्यवसाय वाढीला लागला आहे.

अंतराळ संशोधन न्हावी म्हणजे बहुतेकदा पुरुषांचे केशवपन, केशकर्तन, श्मश्रू (दाढी) करणे, केशभूषा, केशसज्जा इत्यादीचा व्यवसाय करणारी व्यक्ती असते.

हा व्यवसाय सुरू केल्यास कमी भांडवल, कमी मनुष्यबळ, सोपे तंत्र आणि भरपूर नफा असे या व्यवसायाचे सूत्र आहे.

गावचा मुख्य व्यवसाय शेती आहे.

३) काल्पनिक संपत्ती (इंग्लिश : Fictitious Asset) - ही संपत्ती दृश्य स्वरुपात दाखवता येत नाही किंवा हिची खरेदी विक्री करता येत नाही पण या संपत्तीच्या निर्माणासाठी व्यवसायाला खर्च करावा लागलेला असतो.

व्यवसायिक प्रकाशनाच्या प्रकारात फोर्ब्जचे फोर्च्युन आणि ब्लूमबर्ग बिझनेस वीक हे दोन प्रमुख स्पर्धक आहेत.

कलम २० - सदर कायद्याच्या कलम २० नुसार वेश्या व्यवसाय करणारी महिलेस नोटीस देऊन.

appointments's Usage Examples:

Judicial appointments Court Name Term W.

appointments when Senate opposition appeared strong in the hope that appointees might prove themselves in office and then allow opposition to dissipate.

For his contributions, Ding Feng was promoted to the position of General-in-Chief (大將軍) and received the additional appointments of Left and Right Protector-Generals (左右都護).

The zoo also fosters the use of plants and animals for ceremonial purposes in accordance with Navajo tradition, and regularly accepts appointments for offerings being made and ceremonies held within its facilities.

It shall act on all appointments submitted within thirty session days of Congress.

She has been a member of the Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments, which advises on appointments to the Senate of Canada, since 2016.

One was frequently named as Second Baron and rarely appointments were named as Third Baron and Fourth Baron.

He shall also appoint all other officers of the Government whose appointments are not otherwise provided for by law, and those whom he may be authorized by law to appoint.

Public Sector Insurance Companies (Whole Time Directors and Chairman); To advise the Central Government on matters relating to appointments, confirmation.

Especially in South America, he was criticised for conservative bias in his appointments of bishops; with an unusually long reign of over 25 years, the majority of bishops in place at his death had been appointed by him.

The first round of jumps were mostly disappointments to these 14 meter jumpers as Keturah Orji was the only one to break.


decision, naming, recognition, ordinance, co-optation, determination, co-option, assignment, delegacy, ordination, nomination, conclusion, designation,


middle, defeat, victory, beginning, activation,

appointments's Meaning in Other Sites