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apparents Meaning in marathi ( apparents शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



उघड, वरवर पाहता, दृश्यमान, स्पष्टपणे दृश्यमान,

apparents मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जोसेफ जोर्डनिया यांनी असे सुचविले की, स्पष्टपणे दृश्यमान भुवयांच्या प्राथमिक उत्क्रांतीवादाचे कार्य हे प्रणोद्यांना रात्रीच्या झोपलेल्या दरम्यान सुरक्षित होते, जेव्हा सुरुवातीच्या गटांनी झाडांपासून दूर, जमिनीवर झोपू लागले.

apparents's Usage Examples:

The reason given is: not written to include heir apparents assuming the throne following Trent"s retirement from rulership (excluding.

1784: Nouveau voyage sentimental, Bastien 1787: Les torts apparents, ou La famille amériquaine, comedy in prose and in three actes, premiered.

Heir apparents of Prince of Jingjiang still called as hereditary prince, but first rank.

Fukuda and Tanaka soon became the two battling heir apparents of Satō"s faction, and their rivalry was dubbed by the Japanese press.

Retrieved 7 January 2018 (in Spanish) Heirs apparents of Grandees of Spain share their style, which is The Most Excellent.

L"Histoire des oiseaux, peints dans leurs aspects apparents et sensibles, éd.

sundials and retrograde motions of Planets), (1761) Traité des mouvements apparents des corps célestes (Treatise on apparent retrograde motion of celestial.

holders, not to be confused with the ancient Serer Lamanes); the heir apparents such as the Buumi, Thilas and Loul (in that order); the Great Farba Kaba.

governed various other temples Vishnu Temples of India along with his heir apparents and the other aacharyas belonging to this clan of "Thathacharya".

Retrieved on 27 February 2011 (in Spanish) Heirs apparents of titled Spanish nobles (non-Grandees) share their style, which is The.

gustess, ha’la s’impissà, ed ha clomà al corv: «Cha bel cha tü esch! Scha tes chaunt es ischè bel sco tia apparentscha, lura esch tü il pü bel utschè da tots».

(1911–1989) Sir Andrew Russell Ford, 3rd Baronet (born 1943) The heir apparents is Toby Russell Ford (born 1973), eldest son of the 3rd Baronet St Clair-Ford.

A die, 1991 Les sept cieux apparents du mot, Aphorismes poétiques, ed.

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