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ancestors Meaning in marathi ( ancestors शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



पूर्वज, कुलपिता, श्रेष्ठ पुरुष,

ancestors मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कुलपितांचे स्पष्टीकरण आणि एकंदर जागतिक व्यवस्था किंवा स्थिती ज्यात लैंगिक असमानता अस्तित्त्वात आहेत आणि ती कायम राहिली आहेत त्यांना स्त्रियांवरील हिंसाचाराची व्याप्ती आणि इतिहास स्पष्ट करण्यासाठी उद्धृत केले आहे.

महादेवचा मेहुणा भालचंद्र याचे इंदुमतीशी अतिरिक्त वैवाहिक संबंध होते जे समजल्यावर शास्त्री घराण्याचे कुलपिता (महादेवचे वडील) चिडले आणि तो इंदुमतीला संपूर्ण गावासमोर अपमानित करून तिच्या चेहऱ्यावर रंग लावून तिला बदनाम करतो.

ancestors's Usage Examples:

hypothesis (AAH), also referred to as aquatic ape theory (AAT) or the waterside hypothesis of human evolution, postulates that the ancestors of modern.

With the ancestors of the Arapaho, they formed a single, large Algonquian-speaking people who lived along the Red River valley in northern present-day Minnesota and in Manitoba, Canada.

Depending on one's ancestors' origins, the name may derive from the German word gellen (to yell) and mean one who yells, the Yiddish word gel (yellow) and mean the yellow man, or the Yiddish word geler, an expression for a redheaded man.

Like their Siamese ancestors, Balinese are sociable, vocal, playful and inquisitive, and an intelligent breed.

Ancestry and descendencyHis parents were Gonçalo Esteves Zarco and wife Brites de Santarém (daughter of João Afonso de Santarém (himself the son of Afonso Guilherme de Santarém, the son of Guilherme de Santarém, son of another Afonso Guilherme de Santarém) and wife Filipa Lopes de Couros, male line ancestors of Frei Luís de Sousa).

In the room where Jadis slumbered with lifesized images of her royal ancestors, Kirke succumbed to temptation after having.

He told his minister ‘listen Minister, this land was earlier ruled by our ancestors and even though presently the land is under the command of the Britishers, still folks would only listen to me.

Platypoda is a suborder of monotremes including the duck-billed platypus and its extinct cretaceous ancestors.

Native Americans' ancestors had been in what is now Texas, more than 10,000 years ago as evidenced by the discovery of the remains of prehistoric Leanderthal Lady.

Some research suggests that the average person has twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors.

Had the amino acid sequences come from different ancestors, they would have been coded for by any of the redundant codons, and since.

HistoryOrigin and foundationThe ancestors of the Trần clan, Trần Kinh (陳京 Chén Jīng) migrated from the province of Fujian to Đại Việt during the early 12th century.

that the ancestors of humankind developed the ability to run for long distances about 2.


forefather, forebear, antecedent, primogenitor, sire, forbear, ancestress, root, ascendant, ascendent, relative, progenitor, relation, foremother, father,


follower, mother, female parent, child, descendant,

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