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anathematizes Meaning in marathi ( anathematizes शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शाप किंवा वाईट किंवा शाप घोषित करण्यासाठी किंवा दैवी शिक्षेसह धमक्या,


तळतळाट करणे,

anathematizes's Usage Examples:

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia), Diomid issued a proclamation in which he anathematizes Patriarch Alexy, some bishops and all their predecessors since the February.

867 Council of Constantinople held, presided over by Photius, which anathematizes Pope Nicholas I for his attacks on work of Greek missionaries in Bulgaria.

reception into the Orthodox Church; this council also condemns and anathematizes anyone that dares to change the calendar (Sigillion of 1756 issued against.

769 – The Lateran Council condemns the Council of Hieria and anathematizes its iconoclastic rulings.

Constantinople is held (presided over by Patriarch Photius), which anathematizes the use of the Filioque clause in the Creed, and also Pope Nicholas.

rendered null by the non-observance of regulations made by the Church, and anathematizes those who hold the contrary as well as those who falsely assert the.

theological, and ecclesiastical literature: Vol 8 - 1894 - "The first canon anathematizes the "Semi-Arians or Pneumatomachi;" the seventh canon uses the name.


anathemize, comminate, deplore, anathemise, execrate, accurse, anathematise,


bless, praise, cheer, love,

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