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amphibrachs Meaning in marathi ( amphibrachs शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


नॉन-एक्सेंटेड क्रश-अॅक्सेंटेड सिलेबल्ससह एक तालबद्ध युनिट (उदा. स्मरण आणि,

amphibrachs's Usage Examples:

is written in the form of a letter (many of the lines are written in amphibrachs).

and decasyllabics, iambic, trochaic, dactylic, anapaestic, as well as amphibrachs.

dialogue, not only the parts set out as verse, are in a metre "built on amphibrachs and amphimacers, two of the most obscure and seldom-seen tools in the.

The first, second and fifth are usually either anapaests or amphibrachs.


metrical foot, foot, metrical unit,


ride, subtract, head,

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