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alternant Meaning in marathi ( alternant शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



टप्प्याटप्प्याने होणार आहे, बदलण्यासाठी, कालांतराने, वळण-वळण, बदला, शफल, वळणे घेणे,


नियतकालिक, चल, सोडून, संरक्षित, अवांतर, अधूनमधून, वळणे-अनुयायी, राखीव, चंचल, अस्थिर, पर्यायी,

alternant मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

तेथे शफलबोर्ड हा खेळ खेळला जायचा व वयात न आलेल्या व्यक्तींनाही येण्याजाण्यास मुभा असल्या कारणाने गावातील इतर लोकांचा तिच्यावर राग होता.

alternant's Usage Examples:

algebra, an alternant matrix is a matrix formed by applying a finite list of functions pointwise to a fixed column of inputs.

nouns: t-class adjectives: g-class adjectives: Attributive adjectives with alternants for each noun class: Bariba at Ethnologue (18th ed.

It is a structural isomer of the alternant PAH pyrene.

adulterine, adulterous, adultery, alter, alter ego, alterability, alterable, alterant, alteration, alterative, inalterable alternus altern- altern, alternant.

Brugmann"s law When it is an ablaut alternant of *e, the vowel *o is lengthened and (after merging) becomes *ā when.

Non-apophonic *o, with no alternant, developed into Indo-Iranian *ă: *poti- "master,.

Central Algonquian languages, whose theme sign has a more complex series of alternants.

In this example, the vocalic alternant [u] is realized as the off-glide of the diphthong /au/.

PAHs known as non-alternant PAHs because it has rings other than those with six carbon atoms.

An alternant hydrocarbon is any conjugated hydrocarbon system which does not possess an odd-membered ring.

It is a structural isomer of the alternant PAH pyrene.

An alternant determinant.

Sanskrit had a series of retroflex stops originating as conditioned alternants of dentals, albeit by Sanskrit they had become phonemic.

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