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alienate Meaning in marathi ( alienate शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

परके करणे, कडक किंवा अधिकारांचे हस्तांतरण,


नंतर, सुपूर्त करणे, अमानुषीकरण करा, सोडून देणे, विरोध करणे, परके करणे,

alienate मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

एक म्हणजे अमेरिकेचा कट्टर विरोध करणे.

१०) देशातील वाढत्या जातीयवादाला व जमातवादाला प्रखरपणे विरोध करणे व समताधिष्ठीत समाजरचना निर्माण करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणे.

काहींना वाटले की इंग्रजांच्या जीवनमरणाच्या अशा या युद्धात त्यांना विरोध करणे अनैतिक होय तर काहींचे मत होते की गांधीजी मिळालेल्या संधीचा पूर्ण उपयोग करून घेत नाही आहेत.

कट्टरता, कालबाह्य रूढी अंधश्रद्धा आणि जातीयवाद ह्यांना विरोध करणे.

फेरवादी गट म्हणजे कायदे मंडळात जाऊन ब्रिटिशाना विरोध करणे चित्ता रंजन दास, मोतीलाल नेहरु, विठ्ठलभाई पटेल या गटाचे प्रमुख होते.

सीएचबी (तासिका तत्वावरील) भरती हे आरक्षण विरोधी, शोषण व्यवस्था असून याला विरोध करणे तसेच कायमस्वरूपी भरती बाबत अग्रेसर भूमिका मांडणे.

याचा विरोध करणे आवश्यक झाले होते.

सोव्हिएत नेते मिखाईल गोर्बाचेव्ह आणि युरोपियन आणि यूएस वार्ताकार यांच्यातील अनौपचारिक समजांशी विसंगत असल्याचे पाहून रशियाने पुढील विस्ताराला राजकीय विरोध करणे सुरूच ठेवले आहे ज्यामुळे शांततापूर्ण जर्मन पुनर्मिलन होऊ शकते.

अर्थात महाराजांना विरोध करणे त्यांना भागच पडले.

सत्यपाल यांच्या अटकेचा आणि रॉलेट अ‍ॅक्टचा विरोध करणे हा होता.

alienate's Usage Examples:

wreck of the mountain trade and hunting parties have left on the surface, unfitted to return to former haunts or avocations, with minds alienated by new convictions.

Lord, to bring back unto Thee those powers and faculties, which I have ungratefully and sacrilegiously alienated from thy service: And receive, I beseech.

Meanwhile, his independence and outspokenness had alienated him from many of his party, and throughout his life he.

Nouns or nominal affixes in an inalienable possession relationship cannot exist independently or be "alienated" from their possessor.

Wade, they largely alienated black women from platforms in the mainstream movement.

Kenshin"s actions, however, alienate him from his estranged son, Kenji.

In later years, however, she becomes a more stoic, opinionated battle-axe who alienates her relatives through overbearing interference.

While staying at Vanessa's, Dinah alienated herself from Vanessa's fiancé, Matt Reardon, by flirting with him.

non-transferable) and impartible, led during the reign of King Henry III (1216–1272) to the arrentation of those serjeanties the lands of which had been partly alienated, which were thereby converted into socage tenures (i.

Taft had alienated many progressives in his own party, and allies of Taft lost several nomination.

In Canadian politics, Western alienation is the notion that the Western provinces – British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba – have been alienated.

A convocation of the bishops and nobility was convened at Pamplona to decide between Pedro and Ramiro, but were so alienated by Pedro's arrogance that they abandoned him in favor of a scion of their own dynasty, García Ramírez, Lord of Monzón, who like Pedro descended from an illegitimate brother of a former king.

His daughter Ann, later Mrs Ralph Norwich, received permission to alienate (sell) the manor to Francis Bury, whose heir, Frances, by arrangement or fate married Ann's grandson, Thomas Lee Sadleir.


drift away, drift apart, alter, modify, alien, estrange, change, disaffect, wean,


dissimilate, tune, decrease, stiffen, bottlefeed,

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