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album Meaning in marathi ( album शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अल्बम, फोटो,


अल्बम, आलेख,

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album मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

'ह बसेरा', नावाच्या पश्चिम बंगाल येथील तरुणीच्या पोटातील कर्करोगाची गाठ मदर तेरेसांच्या फोटोमधून दिव्य शक्ती मिळाल्यामुळे बरी झाल्याचा हा दावा होता.

महाराजांचा प्रसिद्ध असलेला शाल पांघरलेला फोटो सन १९०६ साली भाऊ कवर यांनीच कॅमेराद्वारे.

टेबल टॉप फोटोग्राफ्स .

मराठी साहित्य नामसूची २७ फेब्रुवारी मराठी भाषा दिन निमित्य, मराठी विकिपीडिया वर फोटोथोन हा कार्यक्रम घेतला जातो.

परंतु झीनत पाशी शंकरचा एक फोटो सोडला तर काहीच माहिती नसते.

तसेच चांदीची संयुगे फोटोग्राफिक आणि एक्स-रे फिल्ममध्ये वापरली जातात.

रत्नानी भारतीय चित्रपटसृष्टीतील एक पोर्ट्रेट आणि सेलिब्रेटी फोटोग्राफर आहेत.

गंधर्वांचे फोटो आणि माहिती यांचे एक प्रदर्शन नावडीकरांनी गावोगाव नेऊन सुमारे बाराशे ठिकाणी भरवले.

त्यांचा वापर करून सदस्याला आपले माहिती पान सजवता येते, आपल्या फोटोमध्ये बदल घडवता येतात.

अबोहचे आई-वडील दोघेही फॅशन उद्योगात अनुक्रमे स्थान स्काउट आणि फोटोग्राफी एजंट म्हणून गुंतलेले आहेत.

स्पर्धकांचे फोटो निर्णायकांना पाठवले गेले.

२०१५ मध्ये त्याला "लेन्झ - सर्वात वेगवान फोटोशॉट पुरस्कार" देऊन गौरविण्यात आले.

album's Usage Examples:

He wrote the lyrics and sang the vocals for, Suburbia, the sixth track on the album.

The Crusaders recorded and released a huge catalog of songs and several members, most notably keyboardist Joe Sample, released many solo albums, featuring many members of different era Crusader lineups.

Earlier versions of Tears to Forget appeared on the band's 1985 demo tape and on the 1986 Deep Six compilation album, which featured some of the first recordings by the earliest Seattle grunge bands, including Soundgarden.

album was "their only consistent album" and "also their most committed to slavering R"B and minor-key Appalachian melancholy.

straight-ahead rocker that follows simple hard-rock formulas, trading heavy riffing with guitar fills and solos, "Caught in a Dream" was the album"s second.

On the album, the Long Ryders moved further away from their country rock origins towards a more college rock direction, but were still rooted in traditional Americana music.

The trilogy of songs that close the album on the normal edition, Elizabeth I, II " III, are based on the story of Elizabeth Bathory.

The album includes versions of the Buzzcocks song, Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've), of New Order's Blue Monday, The Killing Moon by Echo " the Bunnymen, Don't Go by Yazoo, Eisbär by Grauzone, and Heart of Glass by Blondie.

The performances were recorded for the live album/DVD Parole Denied - Tokyo 2017, which was released on 7 December 2018.

Frontman Cherry (who was also guitarist and songwriter for Epitaph Records band Pulley) enlisted the support of Fat Wreck Chords owner Fat Mike, who released the band's first (and only) album, With a Lifetime to Pay in 2001.


record album, concept album, medium,


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