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airn Meaning in marathi ( airn शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



श्रेष्ठ असल्याचे ढोंग करा, मोकळी जागा, देखावा, शून्य, ट्यून, वारा, ढोंग, मारणे, वळण, अनिल, ब्योम, नोव्हें., धूर, नवसबन, श्वास सोडणे, व्यापक परिसंचरण, वाफ, आकाश, मारुत, हालचाली, बी, संधिवात, ठिकाण, खोटी वस्तु, हवामान, विस्तृत चर्चा, अवास्तव वस्तू,


उघड्यावर ठेवा, ढोंग, हवेशीर, मोकळ्या हवेत ठेवा, इनहेल करा, फुगवणे, हवेशीर व्हा, दाखवा, हवेत वाळवा,

airn मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अशोक बाबर यांनी प्रस्तावनेतून या नाटकाच्या अशयसूत्राची विस्तृत चर्चा केली आहे,ती चर्चा हे नाटक समजून घेण्यास उपयुक्त ठरते.

यावर विस्तृत चर्चा होवून डिसेंबर २०१४ मध्ये या दिनाला मान्यता देण्यात आली.

या प्रकरणाची विस्तृत चर्चा ग.

आइन्स्टाईन यांच्यामुळे इतर वैज्ञानिक जसे मॅक्स प्लांक, एर्विन श्रोडिंजर, वोल्फगांग पॉली, वर्नर हायझेनबर्ग, सोमरपॅण्ड यांच्याशी अनेक विषयांवर विस्तृत चर्चा करता आल्या.

airn's Usage Examples:

Two days later, after being admitted to hospital for haemorrhaging, 13-year-old Emma Cairns admits to being the mother.

Whaur wee lead penny watches glanced, Whaur wee pig [clay] penny horses pranced, Whaur crowds o" bairnies [small children] gazed entranced While timmer.

" She made the twelve-chaptered draft available on her website in fairness to her readers, now that the.

(Moseley, 1881) Balanophyllia gemmifera Klunzinger, 1879 Balanophyllia generatrix Cairns " Zibrowius, 1997 Balanophyllia gigas Moseley, 1881 Balanophyllia.

included the thanage of Downie in Forfarshire in September 1345, the thanages of Kincardine, with Fettercairn and Aberluthnot, and half of the thanages of Formartine.

"Bairnsdale" ACRA: received 1985, accepted 1989 seedling selection of G.

fairness criteria: ex-post envy-freeness and ex-ante envy-freeness.

requiring all administrative action meet the minimum requirements of lawfulness, reasonableness and fairness.

Cairncross had at one time or another been in contact with the others, but he was hardly a member of the group.

IntriguesLord Kilmaurs succeeded as 4th Earl of Glencairn upon the death of his father just before 1542, and he and his eldest son, Alexander, now Lord Kilmaurs, were engaged in all the intrigues of the Anglo-Scottish Party at this period of history, and supported the religious Reformers.

In Hong Kong, winds gusted to 78 knots (144 km/h) at Tate"s Cairn and rainfall totals reached 449 millimetres.

During 2006 and 2007, Landis is believed to have raised about "1 million from the Floyd Fairness Fund, established by businessman Thom Weisel.

"I left ahind me braw bowsters blae; My bairnies are liggin i" the bare strae.

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