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air route Meaning in marathi ( air route शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

हवाई मार्ग, वायुमार्ग,

air route मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अमेरिकेतून वायुमार्गाने आयात-निर्यात होणाऱ्या सामानापैकी वजनाने ९.

वायुमार्ग - सर्वात जवळचा विमानतळ देवास पासून ३५ किमी दूर इन्दौर ह्या शहरात आहे.

गंभीर प्रकारच्या मागील प्रकारांच्या तुलनेत, ओमिक्रॉन हे जास्त सांसर्गिक (खूप लवकर पसरणारे) असल्याचे मानले जाते, आणि फुफ्फुसाच्या वायुमार्गामधे कोणत्याही मागील प्रकारांपेक्षा सुमारे ७० पट वेगाने पसरते, परंतु ते खोलवर प्रवेश करण्यास कमी सक्षम आहे आणि कदाचित या कारणामळे गंभीर आजाराच्या जोखमीमध्ये रुग्णालयात दाखल करण्याची आवश्यकतेत लक्षणीय घट होईल.

यामुळे सिक्कीम भारताच्या इतर राज्यांशी वायुमार्गाने जोडले गेले.

हे देशाच्या विविध भागात रेल्वे, वायुमार्ग आणि रस्तेमार्गे जोडलेले आहे.

air route's Usage Examples:

This is the first air route to Australia from the airport.

Much less is known about the great air route leading from the United States to Alaska through Canada.

leg of the World War II Lend-Lease program Alaska-Siberian (ALSIB) air route.

2016, the Catania/Fontanarossa - Rome/Fiumicino route is Italy"s busiest air route, and Europe"s fourth busiest.

He also became a frequent pilot on the air routes used by the new aviation companies.

He then became an advisor to the SAS executive and a regional manager with responsibility for transcontinental air routes.

As part of the Crimson East air route network, the airfield at Crystal II was referred to by USAAF Air Transport Command as ATC Station #10.

The air route between Cape Town and Johannesburg was the world"s ninth-busiest air route in 2011 with an estimated 4.

It was built during World War II for the Alaska-Siberian (ALSIB) air route used to ferry American Lend-Lease aircraft to the Eastern Front.

An airway or air route is a designated route along which airplanes fly from airport to airport.

Flying to Antarctica Another of the air routes operated by Aerovías DAP is the flight from Punta Arenas to Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva base, located at aerodrome Teniente Rodolfo Marsh, in King George Island, on the Antarctic territory claimed by Chile.


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pull, attract, natural object, straight line, curliness,

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