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agents Meaning in marathi ( agents शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

एजंट, दलाल, हेरगिरी, हेरांची एक टीम,


दिग्दर्शक, नियोक्ता, कर्कुन, च्या साठी, मास्टर, वाद्य, कृतीचा मास्टर, दलाल, दुकानदार, शक्ती, प्रभावी, आंबा मोक्तार, मुत्सद्दी, अधिकृत प्रतिनिधी, एजंट, एक्झिक्युटर, सुतार, कारकून,

agents मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हाच खेळ उद्यापुन्हा (नंदलाल).

रोखे बाजारात काम करणाऱ्या दलालांचे पुढील चार प्रकार आहेत.

त्यांचा मराठी चित्रकार दीनानाथ दलाल यांच्यावर लिहिलेला "भारलेल्या जगातून आलेला अलौकिक माणूस" हा लेख अतिशय गाजला होता.

त्याचबरोबर दलाली आणि मक्तेदारीविरुद्ध बंडखोरी ही त्यांची निष्ठा होती.

स्त्री चरित्रलेख - पूर्ण नाव नृसिंह दामोदर दलाल नाईक - (जन्म : मडगाव (गोवा), मे ३०, १९१६ - जानेवारी १५, १९७१) हे वाङ्‍मयीन पुस्तकांतील बोधचित्रांकरता, मुखपृष्ठांकरता ख्यातनाम झालेले मराठी चित्रकार होते.

बसो मेरे नैननमें नंदलाल (सहगायक कमल दासगुप्ता).

दलाल हे तेजीवाले किंवा मंदीवाले असतात.

भारतीय नौदलाला अशा आण्विक पाणबुडीची जागतिक स्तरावर ठसा उमटवण्यासाठी तीव्र गरज होती.

१९९० च्या दशकाच्या सुरुवातीला, दलाल मुंबईतील प्रसिद्ध वृत्तपत्र टाइम्स ऑफ इंडियामध्ये त्यांच्या व्यवसाय आणि अर्थशास्त्र शाखेसाठी पत्रकार म्हणून सामील झाल्या.

तिथे त्यांना बिनोद बिहारी मुखर्जी आणि नंदलाल बोस यांच्यासारख्या निष्णात चित्रकारांचा सहवास लाभला.

पदव्या मिळविल्या दलाल यांनी फॉर्च्युन इंडिया या गुंतवणूक नियतकालिकात पत्रकारितेची कारकीर्द सुरू केली.

पुस्तकाचे मुखपृष्ठ दीनानाथ दलाल यांनी चितारले असून आतील मजकुरास समर्पक बोधचित्रे हास्यचित्रकार शि.

१९४४ मध्ये दलाल आर्ट स्टुडिओची स्थापना करून दलालांनी मराठी प्रकाशनविश्‍वात पुस्तकांची मुखपृष्ठे, अंतरंगचित्रेरं रेखाटण्यास सुरुवात केली.

agents's Usage Examples:

Laboratory usesCryptands enjoy no commercial applications but are reagents for the synthesis of inorganic and organometallic salts.

These reasons are behind the use of orphenadrine and other drugs of a number of types which are used with paracetamol, aspirin, naproxen, and similar agents with or without opioid analgesics to more effectively manage pain of various types.

around a story inspired by real-life events, where undercover agents infiltrate a drug kingpin"s operation in Limburg, a Flemish province bordering the.

Drycleaning is a countersurveillance technique for discerning how many tails (following enemy agents) an agent is being followed by, and by moving about, seemingly oblivious to being tailed, perhaps losing some or all of those doing surveillance.

For several years, he began communicating with supporters of Juche within the Korean community and fell under the influence of several North Korean agents, who eventually convinced him the need to eliminate President of the Republic of Korea Park Chung-hee in order to raise a 'popular uprising' in South Korea.

Ultimately, the BDI software model is an attempt to solve a problem that has more to do with plans and planning (the choice and execution thereof) than it has to do with the programming of intelligent agents.

The journalists and hosts represented by these agents primarily work at television stations in local markets or at networks.

In general, the toxicity of methylating agents is correlated with their efficiency as methyl transfer reagents.

Spotted at an early age on the streets of Hong Kong by agents of the modelling agency Starz People and began his modelling on a part-time basis.

Fearing some treacherous ambush, the two brothers only set out after the agents they had sent to Hungary confirmed that the Hungarians were ripe for an uprising against the king.

Found in Mylor Bridge are a Post Office/Newsagents, grocery store, fishmonger, hairdressers, butcher"s shop and a public house called the Lemon Arms.

In the manga, Asura never allies himself with the Special Security agents and is shot in the head by Angel.

Most Brønsted acids can act as oxidizing agents, because the acidic proton can.


lethal agent, infectious agent, stressor, biohazard, teratogen, retardant, relaxer, quickener, eliminator, enlivener, shortener, vasoconstrictor, represser, motor, vector, repressor, infective agent, cause, satisfier, invigorator, causal agency, pressor, weakener, biological agent, retardent, impairer, retardation, causal agent, mutagen, vasoconstrictive, transmitter,


septic, bring to, abstain, synergist, brand-name drug,

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