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afraid of Meaning in marathi ( afraid of शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

त्याची भीती, अनिच्छुक, निराशा,

afraid of मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

खंडोबाच्या प्रेमात पडलेली बाणाई या लग्नास अनिच्छुक होती.

प्रयत्न करण्यात अक्षमता- अल्जाइमर चा पेशंट निष्क्रिय, टीवी च्या समोर तासनतास बसणारा, खुप जास्त झोपणारा तसेच सामान्य क्रियाकलाप पूर्ण करण्यात अनिच्छुक होऊ शकताे.

अनिच्छुक शिवाने या अटीवर सहमती दर्शवली की ती काही दिवसात परत आली नाही तर तो तिला आणायला येईल.

afraid of's Usage Examples:

Turnbull Thomson"s survey of inland Otago in which local wild pigs were so unafraid of humans that a huge boar approached his party and rubbed its nose against.

This is why, Mabel explains, she is no longer afraid of him or of others like him.

Ars moriendi consists of six chapters:The first chapter explains that dying has a good side, and serves to console the dying man that death is not something to be afraid of.

loves him and is afraid of learning the answer, and so he prefers to fantasize that she does.

William Shakespeare mentioned Birnam Wood in Macbeth: MACBETH: I will not be afraid of death and bane, till Birnam forest come to Dunsinane.

"Obituary: playwright Peter Nichols – "Never afraid of tackling the thorniest of issues head-on"".

Here, Roger Ebert observes, His characters often speak as if they're wary of the world, afraid of being misquoted, reluctant to say what's on their minds: As a protective shield, they fall into precise legalisms, invoking old sayings as if they're magic charms.

The natives were at first afraid of the American soldiers.

Foreman said that Kramer was afraid of what would happen to him and his career if Kramer didn't cooperate with the committee.

She singles out Ruth and berates her for "tiptoeing around her own house like she"s afraid of waking someone up".

1990s with rumor of Mainland China declaring war on Taiwan, both sides tense up afraid of war breaking out.

The song deals with the progress of humanity towards "a new day", contending that this is not something to be afraid of.

On receiving a report that Paul was a Roman citizen and then making personal inquiry, Claudius is afraid of having violated the rights of a Roman by having him bound (see Roman Citizenship below).


conflict, struggle, battle,


agreement, keep, compatibility, make peace,

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