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aflame Meaning in marathi ( aflame शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ज्वलंत, जळत आहे,



aflame मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

असे वाटते कि भूमी ही दिशा-दिशांना (सर्व दिशांना) अग्निने जळत आहे.

आजही, पवित्र जळत आहे आणि जगातल्या समर्पित अग्नीचा सर्वात प्रतिष्ठित दर्जा दिला जातो.

aflame's Usage Examples:

28), delivered several months after the Buddha's awakening, the Buddha describes all sense bases and related mental processes in the following manner:Monks, the All is aflame.

Unable to halt his frenzied onrush, Þjazi plunges headlong through the fire, falling to the ground with his feathers aflame.

Consciousness at the eye is aflame.

term comes from the saying, "to carry a torch for someone", or to keep aflame the light of an unrequited love.

But in our enthusiasm we do not seem to be aware that these tools will be worthless unless they are used by those who are aflame with the sense of brotherhood.

aflame, such as Bananas Foster or Cherries Jubilee, when the alcohol is ignited and results in a flare of blue-tinged flame.

Burgoyne published in the Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph: Aesthetical highbrows these days are aflame.

And whatever there is that arises in dependence on contact at the eye – experienced as pleasure, pain or neither-pleasure-nor-pain – that too is aflame.

was not used (besides some brief shots of her face) barges in, takes the reel off the projector, covers it in whiskey and sets it aflame.

Nanna is placed on Baldr"s ship with his corpse and the two are set aflame and pushed out to sea.

spends time with Loarn, his uncle, before murdering him by setting him aflame.

The complex was set aflame, beginning with the residences of the priests, and Hideyoshi's samurai cut down monks as they escaped the blazing buildings.

The castle was set aflame a week or so later, with some accounts claiming this might have been the work of looting townspeople, or of one of Nobunaga's sons.


ablaze, passionate, aroused,


unexcited, unsexy, colorless, passionless,

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