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affectionate Meaning in marathi ( affectionate शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



प्रेमळ, स्नेह,

affectionate मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

बालमनावर सांता क्लॉजच्या प्रेमळ व्यक्तिमत्त्वाची छाप पडलेली आहे.

१९९० पर्यंत, ती एनआयओबाहेर गेली आणि तेथून १ वर्षांनी पुण्यातील राष्ट्रीय रासायनिक प्रयोगशाळेत गेली होती आणि त्यानंतरच्या १ वर्षांत अन्न साखळीत गुंतलेल्या मीठ-सहनशील आणि मीठ-प्रेमळ जीवांच्या एन्झामोलॉजीची तपासणी केली.

काही काकाकुवा हे प्रेमळ असतात तर इतर बरेच आक्रमक असतात.

च्या प्रेमळ सैन्याने ४३ घरे संचालित केली आहेत.

भाषेचा अडथळा असूनही, या स्वाध्यायींनी लाखो तमिळ भाषिक बंधू-भगिनींशी प्रेमळ दैवी संबंध निर्माण केले.

प्रेमळ सवत (कादंबरी, १९१७).

त्या खूप प्रेमळ होत्या.

कार्तिक दीपाला भेटला आणि लोकांबद्दल तिच्या प्रेमळ वागण्यामुळे प्रेमात पडला.

Parentela#Altri gradi di parentela बहीण ही प्रेमळ असते.

या सर्वांच्या प्रेमळ मिठीत चित्रपट संपतो.

अतिशय घाबरलेल्या अवस्थेत सायलीला मिळाला विकीचा प्रेमळ दिलासा.

आणि भारताकडे, आमची प्रेमळ मातृभूमी, प्राचीन, चिरंतन आणि नवीन, आम्ही आमच्या आदरणीय श्रद्धेची भरपाई करतो आणि आम्ही स्वतःला तिच्या सेवेत पुन्हा नव्याने बांधतो.

affectionate's Usage Examples:

as a pastiche of George Formby, but added it has "a kind of gentle affectionateness about it – and a certain meaty substance – which raise it well above.

attempt to come to grips with her relationship with her mother, an unaffectionate amateur actor trapped in a marriage to a closeted homosexual.

They were popular in Baden, and everyone spoke with affectionate pride of their grand duke and duchess in Constance, where the couple had a summer residence.

The word is derived from the terms tsun tsun (ツンツン) ("to turn away in disgust or anger") and dere dere (デレデレ) ("to become affectionate").

(and the city itself) for being responsible for the EP, in a mockingly unaffectionate tone.

According to Chirino: ”They [the Tagalogs] are punctiliously courteous and affectionate in social intercourse and are fond of writing.

The Doctor realised he could rely on Ian and Barbara, sealing a friendship which lasts until their eventual departure from the TARDIS, with the relationship between the Doctor and Barbara being mutually respectful and increasingly affectionate.

Each of them is thinking affectionately of the missing Carlo (Lo sguardo avea degli angeli / His face had the smile of the angels).

He found that most of the parents had unaffectionate, mechanical relationships with their autistic children and would oftentimes.

affectionately by fans as the Footy Record and many other leagues have since adopted a similar format and produce their own "footy record".

calved from the glaciers of Greenland earned this stretch of water the unaffectionate nickname "Iceberg Alley.

In 1873, he healed his long estrangements from Frederick Douglass and Wendell Phillips, affectionately reuniting.

Intelligent and easily trained, Polish Hounds are known to be calm, affectionate animals and great pets.


fond, lovesome, tender, warm, loving,


unattached, passionless, hateful, coldhearted, unloving,

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