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acculturating Meaning in marathi ( acculturating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


सांस्कृतिकदृष्ट्या अंतर्भूत,


दुसऱ्या संस्कृतीशी जुळवून घेणे,

acculturating's Usage Examples:

class, which wielded most power within the communities, was rapidly acculturating, and often sought to oblige the reforming agenda of the state.

class Mexican migrants, and in the rest of Latin America to mean an acculturating Indian or peasant.

Depression and World War II, and the challenges the next generation faced in acculturating to Canadian society.

treaties with the Cherokee would not only hurt Cherokee progress in acculturating, but threatened the fabric of the Union.

1977 book, cultural theorist Paul Virilio criticized modernity for acculturating people to become insanely addicted to pursuing the future and unable.

An immigrant may also respond by assimilating and acculturating.

The stated aim of the school was acculturating Indigenous children.

Obregón and Calles used education to extend federal control and aimed at acculturating indigenous populations into national citizens In addition to the SEP.

The Jargon File has had a role in acculturating hackers since its origins in 1975.

where the Viking raiders settled, marrying Gaelic women and slightly acculturating to Gaelic customs (such as naming practices, MacGiollamhuire, MacTurkill.

the dominant faith in Egypt between 10th and 12th century, Egyptians acculturating into an Islamic identity and then replacing Coptic and Greek, which.

family and social network, employment issues, financial stress, problems acculturating into society, interpersonal dysfunction It is important to note that.

Liaodong Han Chinese military frontiersmen were prone to mixing and acculturating with (non-Han) tribesmen.


detribalise, detribalize, assimilate,


dissimilate, stay, change, alter,

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