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zoo Meaning in kannada ( zoo ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)

ಪಶುಸಂಗೋಪನೆ, ಮೃಗಾಲಯ,


ಪಶುಸಂಗೋಪನೆ, ಮೃಗಾಲಯ,

zoo's Usage Examples:

His elder brothers are the bacteriologist Denis Mitchison and the zoologist Murdoch Mitchison.

Each zooid consists of a "cystid", which provides the body wall and produces the exoskeleton, and a "polypide".

(3 December 1797 – 11 August 1872) was a Scottish surgeon, explorer, ethnologist and zoologist.

[1] Richard Owen (1835) "Description of a microscopic entozoon infesting the muscles of the human body," Archived 2016-04-26 at the Wayback.

When sea ice algal communities detach from the sea ice they are consumed by pelagic grazers, such as zooplankton, as they sink through the water column and by benthic invertebrates as they settle on the seafloor.

Fungi claimed by both protozoologists and.

While biologists regularly identify new species following established scientific methodology, cryptozoologists.

textured polygon, simplistic nearest neighbor texture filtering would simply zoom in on the bitmap, creating drastic pixelation.

Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS), also known as mycotic granulomatosis (MG) or red spot disease (RSD), is a disease caused by the water mould Aphanomyces.

also be transmitted as intestinal spirochetosis in humans, as it is a zoonosis.

Lemuria (/lɪˈmʊriə/), or Limuria, is a continent that, according to a debunked scientific theory put forward in 1864 by zoologist Philip Sclater, was located.

14 park-like acres, CALM"s zoo features over 80 species of medically unreleasable animals.

8 at maximum zoom of 3 x.


zoological garden, facility, installation, menagerie,


effortfulness, unskillfulness, finish, natural object,

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