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unribbed Meaning in kannada ( unribbed ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)



ರಿಬ್ಬಡ್, ಶಿರಾಲ್,

unribbed's Usage Examples:

They are circular in cross section, unribbed and without secretory cavities, with side-branches approximately perpendicular.

with two-inch unribbed barrel, low profile sights, rounded grips, steel frame.

the middle or slightly beyond and generally cling to the nut, which is unribbed, with a thick shell.

32 S"W Long calibre with two-inch unribbed barrel, low.

At maturity, the sporangia can be ribbed or unribbed.

Ovary superior, longitudinally ribbed in Medusagyne and Quiinoideae; unribbed in Ochnoideae.

capital is formed of broad, smooth leaf-shapes (typically four in number), unribbed except for a central fold, which curve upward and outward before curling.

perennial herb that typically grows to a height of 40 cm (16 in) and has unribbed stems.

The leaf stem (petiole) is 6 cm long and unribbed with tufted hairs around its exterior and the leaves and stems are a dark.

15- and 30-round magazines were adopted in 1977; they were curved, had unribbed sides, and had chromed-steel followers.

1× as long as broad, in the basal leaf being "flat, flaccid, unribbed, silky to [the] touch, margins undulate" ("cucullate, stiff, ribbed, coarse.

There are large scales which are smooth and unribbed along the spine.

These genera have smooth, unribbed, ovoid pseudobulbs with 3-4 large and thin plicate leaves.

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