sorties Meaning in kannada ( sorties ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)
ವಿಂಗಡಣೆಗಳು, ಮೋಸಗೊಳಿಸುವ ತರ್ಕ,
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sorties ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಉದಾಹರಣೆ:
ಆಧುನಿಕ ಮನಶ್ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರದ ದೃಷ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ಈ ಬಗೆಯ ವರ್ಣನೆ ವಿಂಗಡಣೆಗಳು ಸಾಧುವಲ್ಲ.
ಈ ತೂಕ ವಿಂಗಡಣೆಗಳು ಹೀಗಿರುತ್ತವೆ.
ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ಇವು, ವಿಂಗಡಣೆಗಳು, ತತ್ತ್ವಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಘಸಂಸ್ಥೆಗಳು ಮುಂತಾದ ಪರಿಕಲ್ಪನೆಗಳು.
ತೂಕ ವಿಂಗಡಣೆಗಳು: ಕುಸ್ತಿಗಳೆಲ್ಲವೂ ಜಟ್ಟಿಗಳ ತೂಕದ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆಯೇ ನಡೆಯುತ್ತವೆ.
ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣರ ಪೈಕಿಯ ಪ್ರತಿಷ್ಠಿತ ಗುರುಗಳ ನೇತೃತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ವೇದಗಳ ಒಂದೇ ಶಾಖೆಯ ವಿವಿಧ ವಿಂಗಡಣೆಗಳುಳ್ಳ ವಿಭಾಗಗಳು ರಚಿತವಾದವು.
ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ ಸುಲಭವಾದ ವಿಂಗಡಣೆಗಳು ನಿಖರವಾಗಿ ಸರಿಹೊಂದುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಕೆಲವು ಅತಿಕ್ರಮಿಸಿರುತ್ತವೆ ಮತ್ತು ಬಹಳಷ್ಟು ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳು ಒಂದಕ್ಕಿಂತ ಹೆಚ್ಚನ್ನು ಒಳಗೊಂಡಿರುತ್ತದೆ ಅಥವಾ ಒಂದು ಗುಂಪಿಗೆ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.
sorties's Usage Examples:
The city was firebombed with 1,000 tons of high explosives and incendiaries in 1,600 sorties on 23 August.
IAF aircraft losses mounted to three aircraft for every 200 sorties, an unsustainable.
Eleven sorties were carried out by French aircraft over Libya.
October, he flew four sorties; on the last one, he scored a victory, but crashlanded afterwards at his own airfield.
By the end of 1967 and the absorption of Steel Tiger operations into Commando Hunt, 103,148 tactical air sorties had.
end of the day the US aircraft from the three squadrons had flown 163 sorties.
Map of 486(NZ) Squadron sorties 1945486Military units and formations established in 1942 Hugo Winckler (4 July 1863 "ndash; 19 April 1913) was a German archaeologist and historian who uncovered the capital of the Hittite Empire (Hattusa) at Boğazkale, Turkey.
This settlement was not spared from sporadic sorties launched by punitive bands from the south, that in 1854 one group of that band ravage Ginangra and took as hostage one family from the village.
Their commander from early 1811, Vice-Admiral Maxime Julien Émeriau de Beauverger made occasional sorties from the port in order to exercise his fleet, but preferred to avoid any chance of action with the patrolling British fleet under Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew.
The Ecuadorian Air Force deployed the Strikemaster during the brief 1995 Cenepa War, flying ground sorties against Peruvian positions.
Requirements to receive the award included: an outstandingly successful sortie, wounded in action, 12 sorties against enemy vessels.
830 crew members from 13 NATO nations executed 360 operational sorties, totaling nearly 4300 hours.
Mali mitigated Burkinabé counterattacks by conducting sorties with its Mig-21s, and Burkina Faso attempted to counter them by launching its sole MiG-17, though no air engagements occurred.
sally, action, military action,
source, sink, activation,