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porkies Meaning in kannada ( porkies ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)



ಹಂದಿಮಾಂಸಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ, ಹಂದಿಮಾಂಸದಂತೆ,

porkies's Usage Examples:

"Connacht Tribune Connacht Tribune Pinches of salt needed as polls can tell porkies!".

the competition, because "they are judged to be too skilled at telling porkies".

"Which clubs tell their fans the biggest porkies?".

teeth Hampstead Heath khyber arse Khyber Pass loaf head loaf of bread mincers eyes mince pies porkies lies Pork pies plates feet plates of meat raspberry.

From Cockney rhyming slang, ie lies pork pies, hence porkies.

these rhyming slang phrases used throughout Britain is probably "telling porkies" meaning "lies" as "pork pies" rhymes with lies.

"Selling porkies - an almighty pie fight".

he could be doing the same to Britain" above, and "Don"t swallow his porkies and keep him out".

Porkies- Lies, as in "you"re telling me porkies".

The kittens of the title role are just as cute as the little porkies of the previous short, while their adventures are so delightfully amusing.

khyber arse Khyber Pass loaf head loaf of bread mincers eyes mince pies porkies lies Pork pies plates feet plates of meat raspberry fart raspberry tart.

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