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granters Meaning in kannada ( granters ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)

ಅನುದಾನ ನೀಡುವವರು

ಏನನ್ನಾದರೂ ಅನುಮೋದಿಸುವ ಅಥವಾ ನೀಡುವ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ,

granters's Usage Examples:

others, had granted an a non domino disposition which named themselves as granters and grantees and had recorded in the General Register of Sasines in order.

The granters of the deed are Andrew Mouat of Hugoland (" Houckeland ") in Shetland,.

conferred by others and this legitimacy can be revoked by the original granters, their designees, or their inheritors.

institutions such as International Monetary Fund and the World Bank – aid granters to Mongolia, and discount interest rate loan giver Asian Development Bank.

Like the granters of interrupt rights, receivers could cash in their bonds to signal to the.

Berger + Université des Comores + + Consortium members but not joint degree granters This inter-university initiative was originally named "Pôle d"Extension.

Team Shazamrock, a club for modern freethinking wish-granters, is great fun at first.

In California, local school districts are the most frequent granters of school charters.

Shankwitz and his wife Kitty were still volunteers and wish-granters for the foundation.

In some tales, Jinn appear as benevolent wish granters, while in others they are cast as the main villains.

The Portuguese universities have been the exclusive granters of master"s and doctoral degrees in the country and are to this day the.


someone, person, mortal, soul, grantor, somebody, individual,


withholder, fat person, introvert, good guy, acquaintance,

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