common fault Meaning in kannada ( common fault ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)
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common fault ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಉದಾಹರಣೆ:
ಬೇರೆದಿಕ್ಕಿಗೆ ತಿರುಗುವ ಗಡಿಯೊಂದರಂತೆ ಹೊರಪದರವು ವಿಸ್ತರಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿರುವ ಅಥವಾ ಚಾಚಿರುವ ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ದೋಷಗಳು ಮುಖ್ಯವಾಗಿ ಸಂಭವಿಸುತ್ತವೆ.
ಒಂದು ಮಲ್ಟಿಮೀಟರ್ನೊಡನೆ ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸುತ್ತಿರುವಾಗ ಉಂಟಾಗುವ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ದೋಷವೆಂದರೆ ಅದನ್ನು ರೆಸಿಸ್ಟೆನ್ಸ್ ಅಥವಾ ವಿದ್ಯುತ್ತನ್ನು ಅಳೆಯಲು ಹೊಂದಿಸಿ ನಂತರ ಅದನ್ನು ನೇರವಾಗಿ ಒಂದು ಕಡಿಮೆ-ತಡೆಯೊಡ್ಡುವಿಕೆ ಓಲ್ಟೇಜ್ ಮೂಲಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಏರ್ಪಡಿಸುವುದು.
common fault's Usage Examples:
emperor is compared to an atheist himself: “Thus we see in this Prince the common fault of the atheist, who refuses to make reason subservient to faith (…)”.
The second common fault is failure of the thermostat housing (often failing along the mould line).
The two most common fault modeling techniques are called failure mode and effects analysis and.
them spread and prevail, then, I say, we fall into our common fault of overvaluing machinery.
identifies a "turned edge" (rolled down outer diameter of the mirror), a common fault that can develop in objective mirror making.
Some of the video tapes suffered from a common fault called sticky-shed syndrome where the bonding agent holding the magnetic.
Perhaps a common fault of the olfactory mosaic and gradient model of olfactory navigation is.
Multiple reviewers cited the common fault of gameplay balance in multiplayer matches.
, called them "a common fault".
absorption stage charge duration and C-rate (it "plateaus" or times out, a common fault of cheap solar chargers), and a suitable float charge profile, the battery"s.
The TV critic for The Sydney Morning Herald said Safran "avoided the common fault of accentuating the Australian features" of the play.
It is a very common fault if the rider "see-saws" on the reins.
Mechanics familiar with this common fault usually replace or reprogram the Brake Steering Control Unit (BSCU) computer.
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