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cbi Meaning in kannada ( cbi ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)




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cbi ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಉದಾಹರಣೆ:

Mountains of Maldives: .

Glaciers of Maldives: .

theless, the cultural influence of Buddhism remains, a reality directly experienced by Ibn Battuta during his nine months there sometime between 1341 and 1345, serving as a chief judge and marrying into the royal family of Omar I.

(1976) "Humour, Laughter, and Comedy: A Bibliography of Empirical and mpirical Analyses in the English Language.

World Heritage Sites in Maldives: .

of these names are mentioned in any literature, but classical Sanskrit texts dating back to the Vedic period mention the "Hundred Thousand Islands" (Lakshadweepa), a generic name which would include not only the Maldives, but also the Laccadives, Aminidivi Islands, Minicoy, and the Chagos island groups.

cbi's Usage Examples:

The latter species is frequently seen harassing the tropicbirds, boobies and terns.

it erroneously depicted the red-billed tropicbird and was changed to the indigenous white-tailed tropicbird.

genus in the family Phaethontidae, the tropicbirds.

but instead with their proposed clade Metaves, which also includes the hoatzin, pigeons, Caprimulgiformes, flamingos, tropicbirds, Apodiformes, sandgrouse.


These baffles only allow petrels to enter, keeping the competition of tropicbirds out.

buckram with a dustjacket illustrated with a photograph of a red-tailed tropicbird in flight.

bacbib) The names in Welsh refer specifically to a bagpipe.

"magnificent seven" supraordinal clades: Telluraves (landbirds) Aequornithes (waterbirds) Eurypygimorphae (sunbittern, kagu and tropicbirds) Otidimorphae (turacos.

It is an important breeding site for seabirds such as red-billed tropicbird, Audubon's shearwater, brown booby, brown noddy, sooty and bridled terns.

Microscopic analysis of eggshell structure by Konstantin Mikhailov in 1995 found that the eggshells of tropicbirds lacked the covering of.

A few pairs of white-tailed tropicbirds are also nesting.

supports several colonies of breeding seabirds, including the red-billed tropicbird, as well as much of the remaining habitat of the endemic, and critically.

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