calendar day Meaning in kannada ( calendar day ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)
ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ ದಿನ
ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ ದಿನ,
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calendar day's Usage Examples:
In odd-numbered years, the Legislature meets at noon on the last Monday in April, for a period limited to 45 legislative days over 60 calendar days with the session required to end on or before 6PM on the 60th calendar day.
The length of regular session is limited to 60 calendar days.
Since 1981, the wettest calendar day was on 11/08/1996.
travellers who normally require a visa but are transiting on the same calendar day and hold onward tickets.
moderate snow event was officially the 12th snowiest calendar day at the airport since 1948 and snowiest since November 1985.
Formerly, parents had 30 calendar days to take the paperwork home for their consideration.
Daily devotionals are religious publications which provide a specific spiritual reading for each calendar day.
surface of Earth that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and demarcates the boundary between one calendar day and the next.
whether the two times are part of a single night or part of a single calendar day.
Motorcycle land speed racing requires 2 passes the same calendar day in opposite directions over a timed mile/kilo for AMA National Land Speed.
The regular session times and lengths, as well as what can be enacted, depend on the year:In even-numbered years, the Legislature meets at noon on the last Monday in March, for a period limited to 60 legislative days over 85 calendar days with the session required to end on or before 6PM on the 85th calendar day.
North Pole to the South Pole and demarcates the boundary between one calendar day and the next.
current, contemporary,
noncurrent, nonmodern, old,