<< acquirer acquires >>

acquirers Meaning in kannada ( acquirers ಅದರರ್ಥ ಏನು?)




acquirers's Usage Examples:

processor-independent standards in the inter-banking domain between creditor banks (acquirers) and debtor banks (issuer) and to complement the work carried out by organisations.

GlobeXplorer obtained its content through online distribution relationships with about 30 of the world's top acquirers of aerial, satellite, and property data.

recent times these schemes have also partnered with other issuers and acquirers in order to boost their circulation and acceptance, and Diners Club now.

industry, and is routinely used between corporate parties such as issuers, acquirers, switches.

protects the surplus cash in the pension fund of the target from unfriendly acquirers; the funds remain the property of the plan’s participants in the target.

To encourage compliance, acquirers may charge merchants a penalty for each chargeback received.

Pirinsky, "How do acquirers choose between mergers and tender offers?" Journal of Financial Economics.

Private Equity Groups are common acquirers of middle market businesses, whether as Platform companies or add-on or.

through online distribution relationships with about 30 of the world"s top acquirers of aerial, satellite, and property data.

Cayan ranks among the largest merchant acquirers in the United States.

She also works with investors and acquirers of distressed companies.

paper that showed how glamour acquirers (acquirers with a high market-to-book ratio) underperformed relative to value acquirers in the long-term after making.

Third-party acquirers are local companies who process transactions on behalf of Wirecard for.


financial organization, financial organisation, financial institution,


female, adult, worker, debtor,

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