zoospores Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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zoospores शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
कुछ शैवालों, जैसे नौस्टॉक (Nostoc) में, बीजाणुतंतु की कोशिकाओं से अचल बीजाणु उत्पन्न होते हैं, जो हवा से उड़कर फैलते हैं।
zoospores's Usage Examples:
tophthora infestans passing K, Germination of the zoospores through the stomata D, on formed in the sporangia.
Each "conidium" contains numerous nuclei and is really a zoosporangium, as after dispersal it breaks up into a number of zoospores.
When the free ends of the hyphae emerge again into the air they swell up into spherical bodies which may either fall off and behave as conidia, each putting out a germ-tube and infecting the host; or the germ-tube itself swells up into a zoosporangium which develops a number of zoospores.
Mycelium poorly developed or absent; oogonia and antheridia (without antherozoids) known in some cases; zoospores common: Chytridiaceae.
In Peronospora, Saprolegnia, 'c., the ends of the branches swell up into sporangia, which develop zoospores in their interior (zoosporangia), or their contents become oospheres, which may be fertilized by the contents of other branches (antheridia) and so form egg-cases (oogonia).
z, Free zoospores.
c, Conidium emitting zooC. Formation of zoospores by spores.
In 1865 De Bary suggested the possibility that such lichens as Collema, Ephebe, 'c., arose as a result of the attack of parasitic Ascomycetes upon the algae, Nostoc, Chroococcus, 'c. In 1867 the observations of Famintzin and Baranetzky showed that the gonidia, in certain cases, were able to live outside the lichen-thallus, and in the case of Physcia, Evernia and Cladonia were able to form zoospores.
Sexual reproduction by oogonia and antheridia; asexual reproduction by zoospores or conidia.
The algal cells are usually controlled in their growth by the hyphae and are prevented from forming zoospores, and in some cases, as already described, the algal cells are killed sooner or later by the fungus.
zoospores's Meaning':
an asexual spore of some algae and fungi that moves by means of flagella