zoospore Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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कुछ शैवाल और कवक का एक असेक्सुअल स्पोर जो फ्लैगेला के माध्यम से चलता है
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zoospore शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
कुछ शैवालों, जैसे नौस्टॉक (Nostoc) में, बीजाणुतंतु की कोशिकाओं से अचल बीजाणु उत्पन्न होते हैं, जो हवा से उड़कर फैलते हैं।
zoospore's Usage Examples:
Zoospore of Pandorina.
Coleochaete sp., zoospore.
It is held that in Coleochaete a parenchyma results from the division of the oospore, from each cell of which a zoospore arises.
In the zoosporangia of Oedogonium, Tetraspora and Coleochaete the contents become transformed into a single zoospore.
The so-called zoospore of Vaucheria is a coenocyte covered over with paired cilia corresponding in position to nuclei lying below.
The movement of the zoospore is effected by the lashing of the cilia and is in the direction of the beak, while the zoospore slowly rotates on its long axis at the same time.
The zoospore is usually a pyriform mass of naked protoplasm, the beaked end of which where the cilia arise is devoid of colouring matter.
Myrioblepharis, with a peculiar multiciliate zoospore like that of Vaucheria, is provisionally placed in the same group. Monoblepharis was first described by Cornu in 1871, but from that time until 1895 when Roland Thaxter described several species from America the genus was completely lost sight of.
d, Free zoospore.
Whether a spore results from the sexual union of two similar gametes (zygospore) or from the fertilization of an egg-cell by the protoplasm of a male organ (oospore); or is developed asexually as a motile (zoospore) or a quiescent body cut off from a hypha (conidium) or developed along its course (oidium or chlamydospore), or in its protoplasm (endospore), are matters of importance which have their uses in the classification and terminology of spores, though in many respects they are largely of academic interest.
zoospore's Meaning':
an asexual spore of some algae and fungi that moves by means of flagella