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unsuitability Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

unsuitability ka kya matlab hota hai


unsuitability शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

आहार की न्यूनता अथवा अनुपयुक्तता (प्रोटीन, विटामिन या खनिज लवणों की कमी) से दुर्बलता होती है।


इस अभिनय को आम तौर पर सम्मानजनक समीक्षाएं प्राप्त हुईं, हालांकि जॉर्ज स्टीवेंस ने भूमिका के लिए मैकलिन (जो अपने अस्सी के दशक में थे) क़ी अनुपयुक्तता पर टिप्पणी की थी।

लेकिन तकनीक में परिवर्तन कर रहे थे, अनुसंधान एवं डी, पूंजीवाद के दिल में हैं ... मैं इसी तरह से तय वरीयताओं की धारणा की अनुपयुक्तता (फुटनोट के तेजी से विश्वास हो गया:।

इसलिए यह शब्द अक्सर हल्के रूप से एक विश्वास को चित्रित करने के प्रयास के रूप में प्रयुक्त होता है, जो विचित्र तरह का झूठ हो और सनकी के रूप में चिह्नित किये हुए या उन्मादी प्रकृति के लोगों वाले समूह द्वारा व्यक्त किया गया हो. इस तरह का चित्रण अपने संभावित अनौचित्य और अनुपयुक्तता के कारण अक्सर विवाद का विषय होता है।

unsuitability's Usage Examples:

The navy, of even more importance to Sweden if she were to maintain the dominion of the Baltic, was entirely remodelled; and, the recent war having demonstrated the unsuitability of Stockholm as a naval station, the construction of a new arsenal on a gigantic scale was simultaneously begun at Karlskrona.

Its promoters recognized the unsuitability of ordinary steam locomotives for underground railways, and intended to work it by means of a moving cable; but before it was completed, electric traction had developed so far as to be available for use on such lines.

Parents of one or both individuals may bring up what they consider to be the unsuitability of the match.

On mere inspection, their rudeness, their unsuitability for being hafted, and the absence of shaping and edging by the grindstone, mark their inferiority to the Neolithic implements.

Telegraph and telephone cables join these ports, but a regular passenger route does not exist owing to the unsuitability of Portpatrick.

Owing to the unsuitability of the foundations, Dutch dikes are usually marked by a great width, which at the crown varies between 13 and 26 ft.

The unsuitability of the harbour for modern steamers, the bad anchorage outside and the extension of railways from Smyrna have greatly lessened its former importance as an emporium for west central Anatolia.

by 212), the upper portion of which is cut out of the rock, while the lower is enclosed by a semicircular wall of massive masonry; the theory of these scholars, however, that the whole precinct was a sanctuary of the Pelasgian Zeus cannot be regarded as proved, nor is it easy to abandon the generally received view that this was the scene of the popular assemblies of later times, notwithstanding the apparent unsuitability of the ground and the insufficiency of room for a large multitude.

- Sea-water differs from fresh water by its salt and bitter taste and by its unsuitability for the purposes of washing and cooking.


inappropriateness, unworthiness, inconvenience, unsuitableness, ineptness, quality, unfitness,


convenience, fitness, appropriateness, suitability, suitableness,

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