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trait Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

trait ka kya matlab hota hai



ख़सियात, लक्षण, विशेषता,

trait शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

मनु ने मानव धर्म के दस लक्षण बताये हैं:।

साहित्य दर्पणाकार विश्वनाथ का लक्षण ही सबसे ठीक जँचता है।

(३) विष्णुपुराण : पुराण के पाँचों लक्षण इसमें घटते हैं।

यह पुराण भी पुराण के लक्षणों पर खरा नहीं उतरता है।

धर्म : स्वरुप, परिभाषा और लक्षण

জজজ भगवद्गीता में भगवान श्रीकृष्ण द्वारा आत्मा के लक्षण इस प्रकार बताए गए हैं:।

'अर्थ की रमणीयता' के अंतर्गत शब्द की रमणीयता (शब्दलंकार) भी समझकर लोग इस लक्षण को स्वीकार करते हैं।

इसमें पुराण के ५ लक्षण घटित नहीं होते हैं।

इससे यह लक्षण बहुत स्पष्ट नहीं है।

यांत्रिक लक्षणों के आधार पर पृथ्वी, स्थलमण्डल, दुर्बलता मण्डल, मध्यवर्ती आवरण, बाह्य सत्व(कोर) और आन्तरिक सत्व(कोर) से बना हुआ हैं।

अमरकोष आदि प्राचीन कोशों में पुराण के पाँच लक्षण माने गये हैं : सर्ग (सृष्टि), प्रतिसर्ग (प्रलय, पुनर्जन्म), वंश (देवता व ऋषि सूचियां), मन्वन्तर (चौदह मनु के काल), और वंशानुचरित (सूर्य चन्द्रादि वंशीय चरित)।

trait's Usage Examples:

de Lapparent, Trait de gologie (Paris, 1906).

Their essential trait is their perennial cheerfulness, and their fondness for dance and song and every sort of amusement.

One definite trait is its Jewish character (Titus i.

We are sorry not to be able to record any similar trait of magnanimity on Comte's part.

But here another Japanese trait presents itselfpoliteness.

Harrison's distinguishing trait of character, to which his success is to be most largely attributed, was his thoroughness.

Every trait and every movement of the Tsar's seemed to him enchanting.

He'd always known Pumpkin was a flake, but he honestly liked the young man and flakiness wasn't the worst trait carried by the young and the restless.

That and her beauty – but that's not a character trait, is it?

She recognized this trait and would accept rules she herself would never be able to make.


mistrust, nature, serious-mindedness, demeanor, trustiness, sound judgement, individuality, rurality, fiber, personality, inattentiveness, inactiveness, discipline, flexibility, inactivity, untrustworthiness, self-concern, attentiveness, character, emotionalism, conduct, untrustiness, inertia, individualism, irresoluteness, humility, pride, firmness, self-centeredness, ruralism, egocentrism, unwiseness, uncleanliness, tractableness, thoughtfulness, trustingness, individuation, muliebrity, tractability, folly, deportment, emotionality, unemotionality, vanity, activeness, resoluteness, distrust, judgment, resolution, wisdom, humbleness, wiseness, behavior, judgement, earnestness, undiscipline, self-interest, compulsivity, attribute, egoism, uncommunicativeness, thoughtlessness, demeanour, activity, seriousness, perspicacity, drive, resolve, masculinity, sincerity, firmness of purpose, trustworthiness, femininity, sound judgment, trustfulness, frivolity, compulsiveness, emotionlessness, stinginess, irresolution, indiscipline, trust, unthoughtfulness, behaviour, communicativeness, foolishness, distrustfulness, intractableness, frivolousness, fibre, conceit, intractability, cleanliness, conceitedness,


masculinity, altruism, trustworthiness, uncleanliness, femininity, generosity, thoughtfulness, trustiness, frivolity, tractability, folly, indiscipline, trust, inattentiveness, inactiveness, discipline, uncommunicativeness, emotionality, attentiveness, activeness, unthoughtfulness, untrustworthiness, unemotionality, communicativeness, resoluteness, commonality, seriousness, untrustiness, distrust, wisdom, conceit, irresoluteness, intractability, cleanliness, humility,

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