traits Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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ख़सियात, लक्षण, विशेषता,
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traits शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
मनु ने मानव धर्म के दस लक्षण बताये हैं:।
साहित्य दर्पणाकार विश्वनाथ का लक्षण ही सबसे ठीक जँचता है।
(३) विष्णुपुराण : पुराण के पाँचों लक्षण इसमें घटते हैं।
यह पुराण भी पुराण के लक्षणों पर खरा नहीं उतरता है।
धर्म : स्वरुप, परिभाषा और लक्षण।
জজজ भगवद्गीता में भगवान श्रीकृष्ण द्वारा आत्मा के लक्षण इस प्रकार बताए गए हैं:।
'अर्थ की रमणीयता' के अंतर्गत शब्द की रमणीयता (शब्दलंकार) भी समझकर लोग इस लक्षण को स्वीकार करते हैं।
इसमें पुराण के ५ लक्षण घटित नहीं होते हैं।
इससे यह लक्षण बहुत स्पष्ट नहीं है।
यांत्रिक लक्षणों के आधार पर पृथ्वी, स्थलमण्डल, दुर्बलता मण्डल, मध्यवर्ती आवरण, बाह्य सत्व(कोर) और आन्तरिक सत्व(कोर) से बना हुआ हैं।
अमरकोष आदि प्राचीन कोशों में पुराण के पाँच लक्षण माने गये हैं : सर्ग (सृष्टि), प्रतिसर्ग (प्रलय, पुनर्जन्म), वंश (देवता व ऋषि सूचियां), मन्वन्तर (चौदह मनु के काल), और वंशानुचरित (सूर्य चन्द्रादि वंशीय चरित)।
traits's Usage Examples:
The peculiar charm which this Gospel has been generally felt to possess is largely due to the spiritual and ethical traits which have been noted.
Yet while presenting these unlovely traits, Herder's character was on the whole a worthy and attractive one.
But Castruccio, being farther from the writer's own experience, bears weaker traits of personality.
In the East all such traits are exaggerated, a result perhaps rather of the statecraft than of the religions of Egypt and Persia.
It has been said that these traits go to make the Japanese soldier what he is.
He was brusque and candid, two traits she hadn't yet gotten used to.
Those two traits had been important factors in her decision to marry him.
If anything, he was gentle and patient, traits she hadn't expected from a warrior.
The finer traits of Miss Keller's character are so well known that one needs not say much about them.
I don't know what traits you look for in beef cattle, but they look healthy.
mistrust, nature, serious-mindedness, demeanor, trustiness, sound judgement, individuality, rurality, fiber, personality, inattentiveness, inactiveness, discipline, flexibility, inactivity, untrustworthiness, self-concern, attentiveness, character, emotionalism, conduct, untrustiness, inertia, individualism, irresoluteness, humility, pride, firmness, self-centeredness, ruralism, egocentrism, unwiseness, uncleanliness, tractableness, thoughtfulness, trustingness, individuation, muliebrity, tractability, folly, deportment, emotionality, unemotionality, vanity, activeness, resoluteness, distrust, judgment, resolution, wisdom, humbleness, wiseness, behavior, judgement, earnestness, undiscipline, self-interest, compulsivity, attribute, egoism, uncommunicativeness, thoughtlessness, demeanour, activity, seriousness, perspicacity, drive, resolve, masculinity, sincerity, firmness of purpose, trustworthiness, femininity, sound judgment, trustfulness, frivolity, compulsiveness, emotionlessness, stinginess, irresolution, indiscipline, trust, unthoughtfulness, behaviour, communicativeness, foolishness, distrustfulness, intractableness, frivolousness, fibre, conceit, intractability, cleanliness, conceitedness,
masculinity, altruism, trustworthiness, uncleanliness, femininity, generosity, thoughtfulness, trustiness, frivolity, tractability, folly, indiscipline, trust, inattentiveness, inactiveness, discipline, uncommunicativeness, emotionality, attentiveness, activeness, unthoughtfulness, untrustworthiness, unemotionality, communicativeness, resoluteness, commonality, seriousness, untrustiness, distrust, wisdom, conceit, irresoluteness, intractability, cleanliness, humility,