surrounds Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
surrounds ka kya matlab hota hai
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surrounds शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
बाएँ हाथ में धनुष और दाएँ हाथ में बाण लेकर, बाण के पंखदार सिरे को डोरी पर रखकर ऐसा लपेटना चाहिए कि धनुष की डोरी और दंड के बीच बहुत थोड़ा अवकाश रह जाए।
जर्मनी के ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में, विशेष रूप से हर्ज़ पर्वत, मूर्तिपूजक मूल के वालपुर्गिसनाक्ट समारोह पारम्परिक रूप से मई दिवस से पहले रात को आयोजित किये जाते हैं, जिसमें अलाव और मेपोल लपेटना शामिल है और युवा इस अवसर का उपयोग पार्टी मनाने के लिए करते हैं, जबकि इस दिन का उपयोग कई परिवारों द्वारा ताजी हवा पाने के लिए किया जाता है।
शरीर को लपेटना, शरीर को गर्म लिनेन, प्लास्टिक की चादर और कंबलों या कीचड़ से लपेटना, जो अक्सर हर्बल यौगिकों के संयोजन से होता था।
ड्राइव पर, मेरे लिए उसके चारों ओर अपना सिर लपेटना मुश्किल था।
surrounds's Usage Examples:
This variety surrounds the tropical parts of the continental shelves of South America, South Africa and eastern China.
The chief interest of the place lies in its extensive necropolis, which surrounds the city on all sides.
and 12 5° 45'- 1 35° E.), including the island-belt which surrounds the sea on the north, east and south; and is divided for administrative purposes into nine districts (afdeelingen): 1) Amboyna, the island of that name; (2) Saparua, with Oma and Nusa Laut; (3) Kajeli (Eastern Buru); (4) Masareti (Western Buru); (5) Kairatu (Western Ceram); (6) Wahai (the northern part of Mid-Ceram); (7) Amahai (the southern part of Mid-Ceram); (8) the Banda Isles, with East Ceram, Ceram Laut and Gorom; (9) the islands of Aru, Kei, Timor Laut or Tenimber, and the south-western islands.
Crusoe's shipwreck and adventures, his finding the footprint in the sand, his man "Friday," - the whole atmosphere of romance which surrounds the position of the civilized man fending for himself on a desert island - these have made Defoe's great work an imperishable part of English literature.
The cavities of the hollow tentacles open into a circular canal which surrounds the oesophagus at the base of the lophophore.
ISLE OF DOGS, a district of London, England, on the north bank of the Thames, which surrounds it on three sides.
An outer court, circular or rectangular, surrounds the body of the church.
The velocity of a liquid particle is thus (a 2 - b 2)/(a 2 +b 2) of what it would be if the liquid was frozen and rotating bodily with the ellipse; and so the effective angular inertia of the liquid is (a 2 -b 2) 2 /(a 2 +b 2) 2 of the solid; and the effective radius of gyration, solid and liquid, is given by k 2 = 4 (a 2 2), and 4 (a 2 For the liquid in the interspace between a and n, m ch 2(0-a) sin 2E 4) 1 4Rc 2 sh 2n sin 2E (a2_ b2)I(a2+ b2) = I/th 2 (na)th 2n; (8) and the effective k 2 of the liquid is reduced to 4c 2 /th 2 (n-a)sh 2n, (9) which becomes 4c 2 /sh 2n = s (a 2 - b 2)/ab, when a =00, and the liquid surrounds the ellipse n to infinity.
The tissues having now mobilized an army that completely :surrounds the fighting zone, there is a gradual and general advance made from all sides.
Every human action is inevitably conditioned by what surrounds him and by his own body.
fringe, adjoin, close in, hem in, environ, meet, inclose, touch, ring, contact, gird, girdle, border, skirt, enclose, shut in, cloister,
recede, unjust, disagree, fall short of, abstain,