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seriousness Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

seriousness ka kya matlab hota hai



विचारशीलता, गहरापन, गहराई, महत्व, अहमियत, गंभीरता,

seriousness शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

(4) प्रबन्धन, एक विचारशीलता की प्रक्रिया है।


(विचारशीलता कुछ के बारे में "विचारों" की शक्ति के लिए एक दार्शनिक शब्द है।

दया, विचारशीलता और संयम इसके आधार स्तम्भ थे।

छात्र संसद का आयोजन विद्यार्थियों की देश एवं समाज के प्रति विचारधारा मार्गदर्शित करने हेतु, विचारशीलता विकसित करने के लिए एवं उनके अंदर आत्मविश्वास जागृत करने हेतु किया जा रहा है।

" गानों के बोल के हिसाब से, यील्ड ने 'नो कोड' में दिखाई देने वाले ज्यादा विचारशील लेखन के प्रकार को जारी रखा है, इसके बारे में वेड्डर का कहना है, "जो अतीत में क्रोध था अब वह विचारशीलता में परिवर्तित हो चुका है।

इतिहास की जानकारी में अक्सर अतीत की घटनाओं की जानकारी और ऐतिहासिक विचारशीलता की योग्यताओं, दोनों को शामिल किया जाता है।

जहां प्रारंभिक कविताओं में प्रकृति और सौंदर्य के रमणीय चित्र मिलते हैं वहीं दूसरे चरण की कविताओं में छायावाद की सूक्ष्म कल्पनाओं व कोमल भावनाओं के और अंतिम चरण की कविताओं में प्रगतिवाद और विचारशीलता के।

seriousness's Usage Examples:

Madison himself had attempted alternately to prevent war by his "commercial weapons" and to prepare the country for war, but he had met with no success, because of the tricky diplomacy of Great Britain and of France, and because of the general distrust of him coupled with the particular opposition to the war of the prosperous New England Federalists, who suggested with the utmost seriousness that his resignation should be demanded.

"Really?" said Pierre, gazing over his spectacles with curiosity and seriousness (for which Princess Mary was specially grateful to him) into Ivanushka's face, who, seeing that she was being spoken about, looked round at them all with crafty eyes.

The seriousness of Mr. Cooms' concerns convinced me of the wisdom in securing what he suggested.

In his later years he overcame the drunkenness that was habitual to him in youth; he developed seriousness of character and unselfish devotion to what lie believed was the cause of patriotism; and he won the respect of men of high character and capacity in France and Holland.

As a proof of the seriousness with which he regarded the literary vocation, it may be mentioned that he used to write out his poems in printed characters, believing that that process best enabled him to understand his own peculiarities and faults, and probably unconscious that Coleridge had recommended some such method of criticism when he said he thought "print settles it."

The seriousness of the damage done is illustrated by the ravages of the larch disease, apple canker, 'c.

In spite of the seriousness of the situation, Dean was forced to stifle a chuckle.

But then the seriousness of the mat­ter began to sink in.

In autumn he gave himself up to hunting with the same business-like seriousness--leaving home for a month, or even two, with his hunt.

He can't even realize the seriousness of what he did!


solemnity, sincerity, earnestness, gravity,


cleanliness, humility, repulsion, drunkenness, levity,

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