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restrain Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

restrain ka kya matlab hota hai



निरोध करना, अधीन करना, प्रतिरोध करना, दबाना, सीमित करना, रोकना, नियंत्रित करना,

restrain शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

राजयोग का विषय चित्तवृत्तियों का निरोध करना है।

जैसे जैसे मध्य एशिया में ज़ार की सेना ने एक के बाद एक ख़ानते को अपने अधीन करना शुरू किया, अंग्रेजों को डर था कि अफगानिस्तान रूसी आक्रमण के लिए एक चौकी बन जाएगा।

उसकी प्रबल इच्छा ईसाई मत के दोनों संप्रदायों (पूर्वी और पश्चिमी) को मिलाने की थी जिसके लिए वह पूर्वी सम्राट् को भी अपने अधीन करना चाहता था।

अतः वायु का निरोध करना चाहिये।

भारतीय व्यायामपद्धति में सबसे बड़ी विशेषता यह है कि इस पद्धति के द्वारा ध्यान को एकाग्र करना, चित्तवृत्ति का निरोध करना तथा स्मरण शक्ति आदि की वृद्धि करना सुगमतया संभव है।

‘शमन' का अर्थ है अपनी वृत्तियों को शान्त रखना, उनका निरोध करना

restrain's Usage Examples:

The South African governments foresaw dangerous developments in the Ethiopian movement, and steps were taken to restrain its growth.

He also co-operated with Sir Alfred Milner, and used his influence to restrain the Bond.

They did something to meet the wishes of the publicans, Dis~drs whose discontent had contributed largely to Gladstones defeat, by amending some of the provisions of Bruces licensing bill; they supported and succeeded in passing a measure, brought in by the primate, to restrain some of the irregularities which the Ritualists were introducing into public worship; and they were compelled by the violent insistence of Plimsoll to pass an act to protect the lives of merchant seamen.

I'm only sorry for her father! thought she, trying to restrain her wrath.

Princess Mary could no longer restrain herself and wept while she gazed at his face.

Austin, was able to restrain the more warlike followers of William H.

It is a sad story, but if you will try to restrain your tears I will tell you about it.

Melanchthon felt himself powerless to restrain the tumult.

The acts were directed to restrain the lending of money at usurious rates.

Nasty bitches like me eat them alive, but in your case I'll try to restrain myself.


hold, suppress, hold in, keep back, keep, contain, confine, bottle up, hold back, curb, check, moderate, inhibit, control,


minimum, increase, be well, yin, yang,

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