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reefers Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

reefers ka kya matlab hota hai


मारिजुआना पत्तियां धूम्रपान के लिए सिगरेट में लुढ़क गईं


पालोंवाला जहाज़, बादबानी,

reefers शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজनामीबिया का इतिहास बादबानी (sailboat), जिसे पालनौका (sail+boat) भी कहा जा सकता है, ऐसी नौका होती है जिसे गति देने का प्रमुख साधन एक या अनेक पाल (sail) होते हैं जो पवन पकड़कर नौका को आगे घकेलने का काम करते हैं।

reefers's Usage Examples:

Very few complete unsmoked reefers rolled with " home grown " appear in the samples.

reefers rolled with " home grown " appear in the samples.

She still smokes three reefers a day to keep the MS under control.

The waist is trimmed with pink and green brocaded velvet, and white lace, I think, and has double reefers on the front, tucked and trimmed with velvet, and also a row of tiny white buttons.

reefers's Meaning':

marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking


fag, spliff, butt, marihuana, marijuana cigarette, cannabis, ganja, joint, stick, marijuana, cigarette, coffin nail, cigaret,


refresh, hard drug, separate, divided, distributive,

reefers's Meaning in Other Sites