reek Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
reek ka kya matlab hota hai
वाष्प छोड़ना, वाष्प देना, भाप छोड़ना, भाप देना, धूआं छोड़ना, धूआं देना,
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reek शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
জজজहिन्दी विकि डीवीडी परियोजना फेसियल (facial) त्वचा का सौन्दर्य बढाने की एक प्रक्रिया है जिसमें कई उपचार सम्मिलित हैं, जिनमें प्रमुख हैं- वाष्प देना, चेहरे की मास्क, लोशन, क्रीमें, पील, मालिस आदि।
reek's Usage Examples:
Get a few books on the topic and run some searches, and you might discover that your oh-so-clever headlines and articles reek from an SEO perspective.
The local community accepted traditional farmyard smells but we've never suffered anything like the revolting reek we regularly suffer now.
So ' lang may yer lum reek ' is a wish for enduring household warmth.
long), the Reek Canal (92 m.), the Riidersdorfer Gewasser (112 m.), the Rheinsberger Canal (1 T4 m.), and the Sacrow-Paretzer Canal (io m.), besides which the Spree has been canalized for a distance of 28 m., and the Elbe for a distance of 70 m.
Its situation, general plan and literary associations suggested a comparison that gave Edinburgh the name of " the modern Athens "; but it has a homelier nickname of " Auld Reekie," from the cloud of smoke (reek) which often hangs over the low-lying quarters.
(a) The Martyrdom is quoted by the Opus Imperfectum, Ambrose, Jerome, 1 Published by them in the Amherst Papyri, an account of the reek papyri in the collection of Lord Amherst (1900), and by harles in his edition.
reek of the desperation of forty years spent trying to get the message across to these idiots.
If zinc be heated to near its boiling-point, it catches fire and burns with a brilliant light into its powdery white oxide, which forms a reek in the air (lana philosophica, " philosopher's wool").
You reek of Darkyn's power.
They reek of decay and death.
exudate, fume, exude, transude, ooze out, ooze,
focus, stay, function, lack, bless,