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priesthoods Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

priesthoods ka kya matlab hota hai


नियुक्त धार्मिक चिकित्सकों का शरीर


पुरोहित का पद,

priesthoods शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इस संबंध में इस बात का संकेत किया जा सकता है कि पौरोहित्यपूर्ण धर्म में विष्णु एवं पूषन जैसे देवताओं को ऊँचा स्थान दने का एक साधन था उनको जान बूझकर, यद्यपि बनावटी रूप से, इंद्र या अग्नि अथवा सोम से सबंधित करना।

वे लोग पौरोहित्य तथा पूजा का कोई अनुष्ठान नहीं मानते और अपनी प्रार्थनासभाओं में मौन रहकर आभ्यंतर ज्योति के प्रादुर्भाव की प्रतीक्षा करते हैं।

इनके धार्मिक कृत्यों में पौरोहित्य नहीं करता।

ब्राह्मणों में पौरोहित्य के संबंध में अधिक विशद वर्णन मिलता है।

उससे प्रतीत होता है कि उस काल में पौरोहित्य एक वर्गविशेष के हाथों में था जो देवताओं की कृपा प्राप्त कराने में माध्यम का कार्य करता था।

इस कविता का पौरोहित्य अलेक्जैंडर पोप (1688-1744) ने किया।

इस समय तक पौरोहित्य आनुवंशिक हो चला था।

पौरोहित्य करनेवाली किसी जातिविशेष का उत्तरी त्यूतन जातियों के साहित्य में कोई उल्लेख नही मिलता।

धार्मिक कर्मकांडों में पौरोहित्य का अधिकार क्षत्रिय एवं ब्राह्मण को है।

पौरोहित्य पर ब्राह्मण जातियों का एकाधिकार है।

पुरोहित का पद कुलपरम्परागत चलता है।

पीछे चित्पावनों ने उनका पौरोहित्य किया जिससे उन्हें।

वर्तमान में पी0जी0 डिप्लोमा इन योग, ज्योतिष, वास्तुशास्त्र, कर्मकाण्ड एवं पौरोहित्य पत्रकारिता एवं जनसंचार, पाण्डुलिपि एवं पुरालिपि विज्ञान, ग्रन्थालय विज्ञान (बी0लिब्0, एम0लिब्0) पी0जी0 डिप्लोमा संगणक (सभी एक वर्षीय अर्थात् दो सेमेस्टर) तथा योगाचार्य (द्विवर्षीय अर्थात् चार सेमेस्टर) का संचालन विश्वविद्यालय परिसर में किया जा रहा है।

धार्मिक अवसरों पर मंदिर का मालिक पौरोहित्य करता था।

priesthoods's Usage Examples:

These powerfully-organized priesthoods, as well as the elaborate nature of their ritual and apparatus of worship, must have deeply and permanently impressed the exiled Jewish community.

The reason of this will appear more clearly in the sequel; it is enough to observe at present that, before our English word was formed, the original idea of a presbyter had been overlaid with others derived from pre-Christian priesthoods, so that it is from these and not from the etymological force of the word that we must start in considering historically what a priest is.

There is no trace of its having continued into imperial times, but the cults of Lavinium were kept up, largely by the imperial appointment of honorary non-resident citizens to hold the priesthoods.

In larger or smaller numbers of cognate kindred, for shorter or longer periods of time, near or far from home, the aborigines developed their legislatures, courts, armies, secret societies and priesthoods.

Nabonidus, in fact, had excited a strong feeling against himself by attempting to centralize the religion of Babylonia in the temple of Merodach (Marduk) at Babylon, and while he had thus alienated the local priesthoods the military party despised him on account of his antiquarian tastes.

Priesthoods, whose traditions connect them with the south, are subordinated; the ecclesiastical records are re-shaped or re-adjusted; and a picture is presented of hierarchical jealousies and rivalries which (it was thought) were settled once and for all in the days of the exodus from Egypt.

As certain sanctuaries, Shiloh, Shechem, Bethel, 'c., grew in importance, the priesthoods that officiated at them would acquire special prestige.

This spirit of do ut des will be found to go closely with the gift-theory of sacrifice, and to be especially characteristic of those religions of middle grade that are given over to sacrificial worship as conducted in temples and by means of organized priesthoods.

The priesthoods of Shiloh and Dan could boast of an illustrious origin (I Sam.

The exact meaning of these features is not clear, but if it be remembered (a) that the Levites of post-exilic literature represent only the result of a long and intricate development, (b) that the name "Levite," in the later stages at least, was extended to include all priestly servants, and (c) that the priesthoods, in tending to become hereditary, included priests who were Levites by adoption and not by descent, it will be recognized that the examination of the evidence for the earlier stages cannot confine itself to those narratives where the specific term alone occurs.

priesthoods's Meaning':

the body of ordained religious practitioners


clergy, profession, ministry, rabbinate,


laity, layman, temporalty, mass, multitude,

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