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precedents Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

precedents ka kya matlab hota hai



नज़ीर, पूर्व उदाहरण,

precedents शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজओर्थोगोनल वाल्श अनुक्रम का पूर्व उदाहरण बताता है कि कैसे 2 उपयोगकर्ता एक तुल्यकालिक प्रणाली में एक दूसरे के साथ मल्टीप्लेक्स होते हैं, एक तकनीक जिसे आमतौर पर कोड डिविजन मल्टीप्लेक्सिंग (Code Division Multiplexing) (CDM) कहा जाता है।

एक पूर्व उदाहरण के रूप में, 1960 के आखरी दशक और 1970 के पूर्व दशक में वेर्नोन ग्रांट ने जापान में रहते हुए मांगा-प्रभावित कॉमिक्स का निर्माण किया है।

precedents's Usage Examples:

These precedents were followed in all the revolutionary constitutions, except in Georgia, where election by the people was established.

This remarkable document opens by citing a long series of precedents for the suppression of religious orders by the Holy See, amongst which occurs the ill-omened instance of the Templars.

The new court, if adopted, would hold regular and continuous sessions, consist of the same judges, and pay due heed to the precedents created by its prior decisions.

It was nearly two hundred years since the Republic had suffered from an interregnum, and the precedents of 1382 were obsolete.

These precedents (in which it will be seen that "good offices" and "mediation" are used interchangeably) were followed in the general act agreed to at the Conference held at Berlin in1884-1885the object of which was to secure religious and commercial liberty and to limit warlike operations in the Congo basin.

Strickland preferred legislation to the covering up of difficulties by governors' licences and appeals to incongruous precedents.

The council of Constance, and the deposition of John XXIII., were satisfactory precedents still remembered by the world.

For this there were republican precedents.

Strickland desired to replace bureaucratic government by a system more in touch with the independent gentlemen of the country, and to introduce English ideas and precedents.

His knowledge of Roman and foreign law, and the general width of his education, freed him from the danger of relying too exclusively upon narrow precedents, and afforded him a storehouse of principles and illustrations, while the grasp and acuteness of his intellect enabled him to put his judgments in a form which almost always commanded assent.


illustration, instance, case in point, example, representative,


civil law, misconception, contract, undemocratic, atypical,

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