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pestilent Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

pestilent ka kya matlab hota hai



हानि पहुंचानेवाला, प्राणघाती, घातक, मार डालनेवाला, विनाशक,

pestilent शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

आग्नेयास्त्र विरोधी को जलाने, वरुणास्त्र अग्निशमन करने अथवा बाढ़ लाने के लिए, ब्रह्मास्त्र का प्रयोग केवल शत्रु विशेश पर ही प्राणघाती वार करने के लिए होता था।

জজজ1835 के अंत में दूसरा सेमीनोल युद्ध डेड नरसंहार के साथ, जब फोर्ट किंग (ओकाला) की सेना अपने राजा की शक्ति बढ़ाने के लिये किला ब्रुक (टाम्पा) से निकल रह थी तो सेमिनोलों ने उन पर प्राणघाती हमला कर दिया, एक को छोड़ सभी 108 सैनिकों की या तो हत्या कर दी गयी या वे घायल हो गए।

एलन कोरेन की द कलेक्टेड बुलेटिन्स ऑफ़ ईदी अमीन (1974) तथा फर्दर बुलेटिन्स ऑफ़ प्रेज़िडेंट ईदी अमीन (1975) जिसमे अमीन को एक सुशील व्यक्ति के रूप में चित्रित किया गया हो जो प्राणघाती होने पर एक दयनीय तानाशाही शासन का विदूषक लगता है।

pestilent's Usage Examples:

After the battle of Evesham the rebel forces rallied at the castle, which, after a siege of six months, was surrendered by Henry de Hastings, the governor, on account of the scarceness of food and of the "pestilent disease" which raged there.

ruler of territories menaced by the movement for Italian unity, and sustained only by French bayonets; yet he was interested primarily in pointing out to an often incredulous world that most of the vaunted, intellectual and religious progress of the 19th century was but pestilent error, properly to be condemned by himself as the infallible vicegerent of God.

pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition.

Among them, too, were these passages: "Success will give the greatest blow to the Protestant religion that it has received since its birth"; "we have here a mighty work upon our hands, no less than the conversion of three kingdoms, and by that perhaps the utter subduing of a pestilent heresy, which has so long domineered over great part of the northern world."

Erasmus only ventures to say in his friend's defence " that while he was chancellor no man was put to death for these pestilent opinions, while so many suffered death in France and the Low Countries."

An Inquisition tribunal was established in the capital in 1571, and in 1574 its first auto-da-fe was celebrated with the burning of " twenty-one pestilent Lutherans."

As he characterized his opponents in general as the "pestilent herd of libertine scribblers with which the island is overrun," it is no matter of surprise that the book made him many bitter enemies.

Fifty thousand boys and girls were persuaded by some pestilent dreamers that their childish innocence would effect what their immoral fathers had failed to accomplish, and so left their homes on an expedition to capture the Holy Land.

Then he was liable to be seized and put to death as a pestilent heretic. There only remained to draft and publish the edict containing the ban.


pestilential, plaguey, epidemic, pestiferous,


antiseptic, good, agreeable, ecdemic, endemic,

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