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mycelium Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mycelium ka kya matlab hota hai


एक कवक का वनस्पति हिस्सा जिसमें शाखाओं की एक बड़ी शाखा होती है


कवकजाल, फुई,

mycelium शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसकी कवकजाल से पतली-पतली शाखायें निकलकर बाहर की ओर आती हैं।

प्रत्येक रेशे को कवकतंतु (hypha) कहा जाता है और इन कवकतंतुओं के समूह को कवकजाल (mycelium) कहते हैं।


साधारण कवक का शरीर ढीले कवकतंतुओं से निर्मित होता है किंतु कुछ उच्च कवकों के जीवनवृत्त की कुछ अवस्थाओं में उनसे कवकजाल घने होकर सघन ऊतक बनाते हैं जिसे संजीवितक (plectenchyma) और कूटजीवितक (preudoparenchyma)।

कवकजाल प्राय: पोषकों के धरातल पर अथवा पोषकों के भीतरी स्थानों में अंत: कोशिका (intercellular) या पोषकों के कोशों को छेदकर (intracellular) उगते हैं कवकतंतु के अग्रभाग से एक प्रकार के एंज़ाइम (enzyme) का स्राव होता है जिससे इन्हें कोशकाभित्ति के बेधन तथा विघटन में सहायता प्राप्त होती है।

mycelium's Usage Examples:

The extraordinary malformations known as Witches Brooms, caused by the repeated branching and tufting of twigs in which the mycelium of Exoascus (on birch) or Aecidium (on silver fir) are living, may be borne in considerable ntimbers for years without any very extensive apparent injury to the tree.

This wood is in great part already dead substance, but the mycelium gradually invades the vessels occupied with the transmission of water up the trunk, cuts off the current, and so kills the tree; in other cases such Fungi attack the roots, and so induce rot and starvation of oxygen, resulting in fouling.

Some make their way through the cells of the outer part of the cortex towards the root-tip, and form a mycelium or feltwork of hyphae, which generally occupies two or three layers of cells.

The formation of a massive body naturally involves the localization of the absorptive region, and the function of absorption (which in the simpler forms is carried out by the whole of the vegetative part of the mycelium penetrating a solid or immersed in a liquid substratum) is subserved by the outgrowth of the hyphae of the surface-layer of that region into rhizoids, which, like those of the Algae living on soil, resemble the root-hairs of the higher plants.

This is especially the case in the lichens (symbiotic organisms composed of a fungal mycelium in association with algal cells), which are usually exposed to very severe fluctuations in external conditions.

Mycelium present, antheridia with antherozoids, oogonium with single oosphere: Monoblepharidaceae.

The mycelium produced from the spores dropped by the fungus or from the "spawn" in the soil, radiates outwards, and each year's successive crop of fungi rises from the new growth round the circle.

A characteristic feature of the fungal vegetative plantbody (mycelium) is its formation from independent coenocytic tubes or cell-threads.

This spawn may be obtained from old pastures, or decayed mushroom beds, and is purchased from nurserymen in the form of bricks charged with the mycelium, and technically known as mushroom spawn.

The mycelium spreads through the green parts of the plant, attacking the leaves, twigs and unripe grapes.

mycelium's Meaning':

the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae


hypha, fungus, plant structure, plant part, sclerotium,



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