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mycelia Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mycelia ka kya matlab hota hai


एक कवक का वनस्पति हिस्सा जिसमें शाखाओं की एक बड़ी शाखा होती है


कवकजाल, फुई,

mycelia शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसकी कवकजाल से पतली-पतली शाखायें निकलकर बाहर की ओर आती हैं।

प्रत्येक रेशे को कवकतंतु (hypha) कहा जाता है और इन कवकतंतुओं के समूह को कवकजाल (mycelium) कहते हैं।


साधारण कवक का शरीर ढीले कवकतंतुओं से निर्मित होता है किंतु कुछ उच्च कवकों के जीवनवृत्त की कुछ अवस्थाओं में उनसे कवकजाल घने होकर सघन ऊतक बनाते हैं जिसे संजीवितक (plectenchyma) और कूटजीवितक (preudoparenchyma)।

कवकजाल प्राय: पोषकों के धरातल पर अथवा पोषकों के भीतरी स्थानों में अंत: कोशिका (intercellular) या पोषकों के कोशों को छेदकर (intracellular) उगते हैं कवकतंतु के अग्रभाग से एक प्रकार के एंज़ाइम (enzyme) का स्राव होता है जिससे इन्हें कोशकाभित्ति के बेधन तथा विघटन में सहायता प्राप्त होती है।

mycelia's Usage Examples:

myceliumemale can lay up to 50 eggs in close proximity to developing mycelia.

myceliumr antigen was detected when actively growing mycelia was produced from diseased stem-base and root material.

myceliumt the ground beneath your feet will be absolutely seething with the mycelia of different fungi.

budding yeasts in anaerobic conditions but as mycelia in the presence of even low concentrations of oxygen.

No sharp lines can be drawn, however, since many mycelia are intercellular at first and subsequently become intracellular (Ustilagineae), and the various stages doubtless depend on the degrees of resistance which the host tissues are able to offer.

In the first group zygospores can arise by the union of branches from the same mycelium and so can be produced by the growth from a single spore; this group includes Spordinia grandis, Spinellus fusiger, some species of Mucor, 'c. The majority of forms, however, fall into the heterothallic group, in which the association of branches from two mycelia different in I nature is necessary for the 2, formation of zygospores.

Striking instances of coloured mycelia are afforded by Corticiunt sanguineum, blood - red; Elaphomyces Leveillei, yellow - green; Chlorosplenium aeruginosum, verdigris green; and the Dematei, brown or black.

The simpler mycelia consist of hyphae all alike and thin-walled, or merely differing in the diameter of the branches of various orders, or in their relations to the environment, some plunging into the substratum like roots, others remaining on its surface, and others (aerial hyphae) rising into the air.

those due to .Synchytrium, Protomyces, Cysto pus, many Ustilagineae, 'c. These cases are not easily distinguished superficially froni the pustular outgrowth of actual mycelia and spores (stromata) of such Fungi as Nectria, Puccinia, 'c. The cylindrical stem-swellings due to Calyptospora, Epichloe, 'c., may also be mentioned here, and the tyro may easily confound with these the layers and cushions of eggs laid on similar organs by moths.

Peronospora, or to the young mycelia of epiphytic parasites, e.g.

mycelia's Meaning':

the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae


hypha, fungus, plant structure, plant part, sclerotium,



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