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monosyllables Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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monosyllables शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इसे 'एकाक्षर परिवार' भी कहते हैं।

३२-एकाक्षरोपनिषद् (कृष्णयजुर्वेदीय)।

एकाक्षर, द्वयक्षर, त्र्यक्षर आदि के क्रम से काण्डयोजन है।

इस एकाक्षर ब्रह्म में ऊपर वाला भाग गणेश का मस्तक, नीचे का भाग उदर, चंद्रबिंदु लड्डू और मात्रा सूँड है।


बर्मी भाषा के अधिकांश शब्द एक या दो अक्षर (सिलैबल) के होते हैं किन्तु उनमें प्रत्यय जुड़ने के कारण उनका एकाक्षरीपन छिप जाता है।

इसमें एकाक्षरी शब्द या शब्द भाग ही होते हैं और ये चीनी भावचित्र में लिखी जाती है (परम्परागत चीनी लिपि या सरलीकृत चीनी लिपि में)।

चीनी भावचित्रों में इसका संक्षिप्त एकाक्षरी चिह्न '黑' (हेइ) है।

नाटककार की विशेषताएँ और नाटक का लक्ष्य ओरडिसिंधु (एकाक्षर छंद) में गाए जाते हैं।

यह शास्त्र प्रधानतः शाक्तों का ही है और इसके मंत्र प्रायः अर्थहीन और एकाक्षरी हुआ करते हैं ।

इसके चीनी भावचित्रों का अर्थ 'शुभ वन (जंगल)' है और इसका संक्षिप्त एकाक्षरी चिह्न '吉' (जी) है।

तत्र द्विकोष्ठायां पंक्तौ एकाक्षरस्य विन्यासः।

एकाक्षर कृष्ण यजुर्वेद, सामान्य उपिनषद्।

"एकाक्षर" अथवा "अनेकाक्षरों" के समूह पदों को भी संस्कृत की ही तरह चार भागों में विभक्त किया जाता है - नामय, आख्यात, उपसर्ग तथा निपात।

कारण कि इसके मूल शब्द प्राय: एकाक्षर होते हैं।

monosyllables's Usage Examples:

The latter understood that she was being asked to entertain this young man, and sitting down beside him she began to speak about his father; but he answered her, as he had the countess, only in monosyllables.

These monosyllables may be used singly or combined, two, three or four at a time, so that the resulting co~nbinations convey almost any conceivable shades of meaning.

Vowel Changes.-(I) Long a, whether from Aryan a or o or from Latin a, becomes aw in monosyllables, as in brawd, " brother " from *brater; in the penult it is o, as in broder, " brothers," in the ultima aw, later o, as in pechawd, now pechod, from peccatum.

We may also mention Cupido Cruciatus, Cupid on the cross; Technopaegion, a literary trifle consisting of a collection of verses ending in monosyllables; Eclogarum Liber, on astronomical and astrological subjects; Epistolae, including letters to Paulinus and Symmachus; lastly, Praefatiunculae, three poetical epistles, one to the emperor Theodosius.

Initial 1 has been preserved only in certain monosyllables (the article to, los); everywhere else it has been replaced by 1 mouillCe (Prov.

Most queries were answered in monosyllables except the last, which Dean put off by explaining they'd discuss the bones at length in the morning.

Of such monosyllables there are less than two thousand, and therefore many syllables have to do duty for the expression of more than one idea, confusion being avoided by the tone in which they are spoken, whence the term" tonal,"which is applied to all the languages of this family.

The meanings of the monosyllables were differentiated, as in the other Tai languages and in Chinese, by a system of tones, but these were rarely indicated in writing, and the tradition regarding them is lost.

Evidently derived from the Chinese, of which it appears to be a very ancient dialect, the Annamese language is composed of monosyllables, of slightly varied articulation, expressing different ideas according to the tone in which they are pronounced.

Pierre remained gloomily silent, answering in monosyllables and apparently immersed in his own thoughts.


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