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mesne Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mesne ka kya matlab hota hai


mesne शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

* सआदत हसन मंटो (11 मई 1912 – 18 जनवरी 1955) उर्दू लेखक थे, जो अपनी लघु कथाओं, बू, खोल दो, ठंडा गोश्त और चर्चित टोबा टेकसिंह के लिए प्रसिद्ध हुए।

पाया नाहरी मलाई कबाब काबूली अंडा कोरमा खट्टी अरबी का सालन लहसुनी गोश्त कीमा पुलाव चांदी कोरमा झींगे टमाटर हैदराबादी कोरमा दीवानी हांडी नीलगिरी कोरमा अमृतफल कच्ची बिरयानी दम का मुर्ग बघारे बैंगन बिरयानी नवाबी मुर्ग बादामी दालचा गज़ाला टंगड़ी कबाब मुर्ग हैदराबादी।

मास: रोगन जोश, भुना गोश्त, रान गोश्त, दाल गोश्त, साग गोश्त, नीहरी गोश्त, दुर्लभ गोश्त, पाये दा शोरबा।

जब एक ही थाली में गोश्त-क़वाब और मलाई, दोनों परोस दी जाएगी तब स्वाद तो बिगड़ेगा ही।

जिनके भोजन में मछली और अंडे-मुर्गे होते हैं वे "मांस" को स्तनपायी के गोश्त के रूप में परिभाषित कर सकते हैं और खुद की पहचान शाकाहार के रूप में कर सकते हैं।

'दमपुख़्त' का कायदा है कि गोश्त को मसालों के साथ 4-5 घंटे तक हल्की आँच पर दम दिया जाता है (सारे मसालो जैसे तले हुए प्याज, हरी मिर्च, अदरख-लहसुन और खड़े मसालों को एक साथ पीस कर बरतन में गोश्त के साथ ढक दिया जाता है और ढक्कन के किनारों को गीले आटे से सील कर उसकी भाप (दम) में पकने दिया जाता है)।

सबसे सस्ता गोश्त (14 नुक्कड़ नाटकों का संग्रह) -2015 (राजपाल एंड सन्ज़, दिल्ली से)।

पुजारी बताता है कि उन्हें सिर्फ उसका खून और गोश्त चाहिए ताकि नकिता को जीवित किया जा सके।


कश्मीरी मुसल्मानों के (मांसाहारी) व्यंजन हैं : कई तरह के कबाब और कोफ़्ते, रिश्ताबा, गोश्ताबा, इत्यादि।

mesne's Usage Examples:

It became a mesne borough by the charter granted by John in 1201, which provided that the town should be a free borough, the burgesses to be free and quit of all tolls, and made William de Briwere overlord.

In 1205 Farnham had bailiffs, and in 1207 it was definitely a mesne borough under the bishops of Winchester.

In r086 Erthebrand held Knutsford immediately of William FitzNigel, baron of Halton, who was himself a mesne lord of Hugh Lupus earl of Chester.

In 1246 Nicholas obtained a grant of a Saturday market and a fair at the feast of the Assumption (both maintained up to the present day), and in 1275 South Molton appears for the' first time as a mesne borough under his overlordship. The borough subsequently passed to the Audleys, the Hollands, and in 1487 was granted for life to Margaret, duchess of Richmond, who in 1490 obtained a grant of a fair (which is still held) at the nativity of St John the Baptist.

It was a mesne borough held of the bishop of Winchester, but it is probable that during the i 8th century the privileges of the burgesses were allowed to lapse, as by 1835 it had ceased to be a borough.

No alliance was actually formed between the king and the mesne nobility against the immediate baronage.

Before 1183, Dunster had become a mesne borough, owned by the de Mohuns until the 14th century when it passed to the Luttrells, the present owners.

Teignmouth is not mentioned in the Domesday Survey, but in 1276 what is now West Teignmouth appears as a mesne borough held by the dean and chapter of Exeter; what is now East Teignmouth continuing with the bishop, who was accused in that year of holding in his manor a market which should be held in the borough.

Burton was evidently a mesne borough under the abbot, who held the court of the manor and received the profits of the borough according to the charter of Henry I.

Zaminddrs, or government renters, were arrested on mesne process; the sanctity of the zendna, or women's chamber, as dear to Hindus as to Mahommedans, was violated by the sheriff's officer; the deepest feelings of the people and the entire fabric of revenue administration were alike disregarded.

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