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mesoblastic Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

mesoblastic ka kya matlab hota hai


मेसोदर्म से संबंधित या व्युत्पन्न

mesoblastic शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


सारे मेसोब्लास्टिक सोमाइट एक दूसरे से पृथक्‌ दोनों ओर एक श्रेणी में स्थापित होते हैं।

मेसोब्लास्टिक नेफ्रोमा।

नोटोकॉर्ड के दाहिने और बाएँ दोनों ओर की कोशिकाएँ डॉर्सल मेसोब्लास्टिक सोमाइट बनाती हैं।

mesoblastic's Usage Examples:

3, Section of dorsal portion of mesoblastic "skeleton."

When the segmentation is unequal one of the megameres gives rise by successive divisions to two primary mesoderm cells called mesomeres; these divide to form two masses of cells called mesoblastic bands.

24, in optical median section, showing the invaginated cells hy which form the arch-enteron, and the mesoblastic cells me which are budded off from the surface of the mass hy, and apply themselves to the inner surface of the epiblastic cell-layer cp. C, The same embryo focused so as to show the mesoblastic cells which immediately underlie the outer cell-layer.

- Section through a portion of the lateral eye of Limulus, showing three ommatidia - A, B and C. hyp, The epidermic cell-layer (so-called hypodermis), the cells of which increase in volume below each lens, 1, and become nerve-end cells or retinula-cells, rt; in A, the letters rh point to a rhabdomere secreted by the cell rt; c, the peculiar central spherical cell; n, nerve fibres; mes, mesoblastic skeletal tissue; ch, chitinous cuticle.

h, Epidermic cell-layer; mes, mesoblastic connective tissue; n, nerves; II, III, IV, V, depressions of the epidermis in each of which a cuticular lens will be formed.

In the direct development Bateson showed that the three divisions of the coelom arise as pouches constricted off from the archenteron or primitive gut, thus resembling the development of the mesoblastic somites of Amphioxus.

re, Stiebel's canal (left side), tge, Mesoblastic (skeletotrophic probably an evanescent and muscular) cells invest embryonic nephridium.

We have thus the replacement of a spermatheca, corresponding to those of the remaining families of Oligochaeta, and derived, as is believed, from the epidermis, by a structure performing the same function, but derived from the mesoblastic tissues, and with a cavity which is coelom.

Bergh (for Lumbricus and Criodrilus), whose figures show a derivation of the entire nephridium from mesoblast, and an absence of any connexion between successive nephridia by any continuous band, epiblastic or mesoblastic. A midway position is taken up by Wilson, who asserts the mesoblastic formation of the funnel, but also asserts the presence of a continuous band of epiblast from which certainly the terminal vesicle of the nephridium, and doubtfully the glandular part of the tube is derived.

It has, however, been alleged that this cavity is formed by a pair of mesoblastic somites (N.

mesoblastic's Meaning':

relating to or derived from the mesoderm

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